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"Can you repeat that Ranboo? Try speaking in English."

"If I teach you Ender will you teach me something?"

"You can speak English again! And yeah I can teach you something! We should probably heal your face first." Ranboo was still shaken by what had just happened. It had happened once before. A kid waved and ran over to them.

"Hi Ranboo! Hi Tubbo!"

"Hi Tommy!"

Tommy? Who's Tommy?

"Ranboo you okay big man?"

"I'm sorry uhm have we met?" Tubbo looked worried.

"What do you mean Ranboo? You've known Tommy for years."

"I don't know who Tommy is..." The two boys looked at each other.

"We're taking you to Phil." They dragged Ranboo to a cabin.

"Phillll? We need your help." He came out of the cabin, he looked very confused.

"What's going on guys?"

"Ranboo's eyes started to glow purple and he went kinda crazy but he went back to normal and now doesn't remember who Tommy is."

"You don't know who Tommy is?"

"I've already told said I don't know anyone named Tommy!" Phil reached into the cabin.

"Write down what you do remember, Tommy and Tubbo come inside with me for a moment." Ranboo sat down and began to write what he remembers.

Wilbur and Techno
The bees
Gardening with Tubbo
Going to help someone

He had written only these things before the other three came back out.

"Can I see the book?" Ranboo handed Phil the book, The two boys went to read it as well. The blonde looked hurt as he read the list.

"Do you know who Kristin is?" Ranboo shook his head no.

I don't remember...

"Hey it's okay Boo, We'll figure it out." Tubbo said with a smile. Ranboo was still shaken.

"Why don't me, you and Tommy go hang out for a while. You two can get to know each other! Again..."

𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍? (SBI bounty hunter AU)Where stories live. Discover now