Chapter 1 feather

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In a world where dragon's, elves, humans, and sky elves with horns on their heads. Lived in harmony until the humans got greedy and tried to take all the land for themselves. War striked and people where at war with each other.  Countries were divided. Some kingdoms fell like the sky elves. And now everything is calm. No one is supposed to cross a barrier unless they have access. Or really really rich or powerful. In my case though I was an outlaw, a pirate and I was a sky elf. I had wings and horns. The last of my kind. My parents where pirates. We were on the run ever since the war started and we got away as soon as everyone started sharpening their swords.I'm 22 years old and I where boots with black pants. A red shirt. With short sleeves. I am a one pirate crew with a wight rare ship. Made of oakwood. I call her storm.

She's gotten me through some bad storms. My wings also help me barrow shiny gold from people but I never give it back. On one of my trips to the market. I got away with a pocket watch but someone caught me. I flew away. But the person that had the pocket watch chased after me and grabbed my foot when I took off. Taking him off the ground too.  He had guards protecting him from other people. When they noticed that the prince that they were protecting was gone. they looked behind them and saw that he was in mid-air. Holding on to my one foot.

" Prince Josh." Shouted the guards that where protecting him. He wasn't letting go of my foot.

" Let go of my foot human!." I said.Shaking him trying to get him off my foot. Even kicking his hand with my other foot.

" Give me back my watch that was given to me by my father." He shouted.

" You gotta death wish flying with me. You better hold on tight."  Suddenly I flew up to the cloud bank.  He was screaming holding on to my boot with both hands. Holding on tight. I dived twisting in the air. Then flew straight. I looked back at my feet. He's still holding on. I flew fast and flew to a lake. And dived into the water.  He let go. And I went up to the top. I pulled my hair out of my face and wiped my eyes. and looked around to see If he was anywhere around. I saw he got up to the top of the water.  Shaking his head, shaking off the water off his face.  I swam away. I got my wings out of the water and flew out of the water.  I got away. Leaving prince charming in the lake.I got to my boat in the middle of the ocean just where I left it. I got to my room and grabbed the watch from my pocket and sat down in my chair. To take a closer look at it. Was a golden pocket watch. It was Broke and missing a few pieces including the two hands to tell what time it was. It's worthless.

I thought to myself then why was the prince fighting so hard to get it back from me.then I heard someone on deck. I grabbed my sword from my side and held it in front of me. I walked out of my room and into the outside. There standing on my ship was the prince. Soaked to the bone.

(" How did he.. nevermind it doesn't matter. He's going to die. Right here and now.") I thought as I held my sword  in front of me aimed at his back and charged. Suddenly he face planted on to the floor.  I couldn't stop I tripped over him and landed on my sword by stabbing it into the floorboards. braking it in half. And almost got some of the blade in my stomach but I moved out of the way just in time. I got up. I dropped my broken sword off the edge of the deck and pulled the rest of the broken sword and through that over the edge.  Went over to him and put one hand on my hip. He spit up water and a fish it was still alive. I picked the fish up and dropped it in the water. I went back to him and he was looking at me. He looked cold and sick.

" Give me back my watch." He said coughing. He closed his eyes. And passed out.

" Great now I have to drag you off the deck so I don't trip over you." I said. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down to the bottom deck of the ship. I found a old hammock and put it up. I lifted him on to the hammock.

" You need to stop eating cake dude." I said dusting myself off. As soon as he was on the hammock.He started to snore.  I heard thunder and we where moving away from the Prince's home.

The rain was horrible. You had to keep your eyes closed just a little to see. Thunder strikes the water next to the ship. My heart skipped a beat. And I rushed up to the steering wheel. I pulled the wheel to the right and held it so it doesn't turn any more.  I drove away from the storm but the storm was faster than us. The storm was making it hard to see. The last thing I saw Was a sharp rock. Then I lost the steering I got knocked off the weel that was spinning out of control. I tried to grab it but I hurt my hand in the process. It hurt to move my hand I think I broke it.  One of the sails hit me off the ship. I caught myself in the wind. And flew back to the ship. I went to the lower deck and held on to a wood plank holding ship up. And braced for impact. And closed my eyes. I was thrown from the wood plank to the other side of the ship. And I was knocked out.

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