The Assembly

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      A while later, I remember the assembly and wearily stand, trudging back to our dorm. I can only hope my eyes aren't as red anymore as I push our door open quietly. Alix is standing in the middle of the room, pointing a marker dramatically at something in the ceiling. It's one of her knives, stuck deep into the material. There's something like flames drawn around it, swirling and bright. Suddenly she waves her marker and says.

   "I dub thee, Mary Winchester." She cackles at her little joke, looking proud. A weak laugh builds in my throat, and I let it out, wincing as it comes out as more of a choking sound. Alix whips around to look at me, and I give her a weak smile.

   "Someone watched their old TV shows" I state. "Altho that joke hits a rather sore spot. Mary was one of my favorite characters"

   "You watched Supernatural?" she asks, impressed.

   I shrug.

   " Yeah I did, like 3 or 4 times. It's a lot better than all the stupid stuff on the VisionScreen shows." I tell her

   "It's always been my favorite." she says "Dean's hot." I stare at her in shock, surprised. She doesn't seem like the type of girl to say something like that, let alone actually think it.

   "You're not wrong, but personally I think Sam is pretty damn cute." A giggle bursts from my chest, and now its her turn to stare at me in shock. Then she recovers, narrowing her eyes playfully and giving me a small smile

   "Nah. Dean for sure. I mean have you sEEn him. And he's got that deep voice and seems so much more mature and he's just a badarse demon hunter, what's not to like?" She snorts.

   "Badarse?" I ask incredulously

   "Oh shut up, I'm british." She fires back, and I burst out laughing and she joins me.

   "Well, I'm still all for Sam." I tell her, smiling

   "Your loss." she shrugs. I lay on my bed and look up at the ceiling.

   "Did you draw that?" I ask her, impressed. The knife looks like it's being eaten by the flames. A hint of blush appears on her cheeks, but it quickly disappears and she shrugs again.

   "Yeah. Just a hobby of mine I guess" She throws the markers onto the desk and flops down on her own bunk with a sigh. I glance at my watch, then jump up.

   "Shit the assembly started 2 minutes ago!" She jumps up too, and I throw the door open, running down the deserted hallways silently, not wanting to draw attention. Alix is right next to me, as stealthy as ever.

   When we arrive outside the mess hall, I pull open a door quietly and slip in, holding the door for Alix. There's a man talking, 6 foot something of muscle with a shiny bald head. He looks like he could tear half of us apart with one arm tied behind his back. Must be the director. He's saying something about how promising the new students look. His voice is deep and booming.

   "There are a few exceptional ladies and gents here who finished in record time, faster than most, and the rest of you did well too. By the end of your time here, you all will be even faster, stronger, and smarter." He claps his hands together. "And speaking of learning, we have a new trainer here this year."

   I see movement from the side of the room, and Hadeon walks forward, looking, well, terrifying. His deep chocolate hair is messy, yet he makes it look good. He has his hands at his side, and dark clothes. Black jeans with a deep blue t-shirt. A pistol is strapped to his thigh, and various knives are hidden around his body. He's wearing combat boots like mine. The director claps him on the shoulder as he reaches him, and beams at him.

   "Hadeon Anluan will be the new weapons trainer for the freshmans. He Graduated a year early, doing an exceptional job in pretty much everything, and we are glad to have him back." whispers break out among the other girl groups, and i turn red when I hear some comments about my brother i'd rather not hear.

   "Oh, and Hadeon, I understand your sister is starting this year." Hadeon nods, and searches the crowd. When his eyes land on me, he smiles coyly. He points to me.

   "Yep, my little sis Loreley, waaaaay in the back. I know she'll do great. I've been kind of training her myself for the past few years." Eye's turn to look at me, and I arch an eyebrow at Hadeon, grinning.

   "Oh yeah, just take all the credit for my hard work for yourself, no biggy" I say loudly so he can hear me. He chuckles and grins.

   "Alright you two, save it for later." the director cuts in, but he's grinning as well. Hadeon goes back to his spot, and the director goes on, talking about rules and classes, and introducing the other trainers. At the end, he claps his large hands together again.

   "Okay, Everyone but the freshmans can go back to your dorms, or do whatever you people do in your free time." Most of the kids file out, and all that's left are 100 or so boys and girls my age. We all stay where we are, scattered around the room.

   "Alright, since you're all new here, Hadeon is going to give you a tour, and explain stuff." Hadeon walks to the middle of the room again as the director leaves, and looks at all of us. I glance over at Alix, who pulled her hood up again. She stares directly back at Hadeon as his gaze passes over us, her eyebrows raised. Other girls are staring at him too, and I feel anger again. He's my brother, and I'm nOt going to listen to a bunch of girls talking about how cute he is during classes. He's 3 years older for god's sake, not that that mattered to most of them. He doesn't seem bothered by the attention, and even smirks a bit. I internally groan at his cocky attitude. 

a/n- ok so I haven't watched supernatural, so please don't get mad or anything that was @Themazetribnewtwho put the reference in it. So how are you liking the story so far. I absolutly love writing this wih my friends, and i just really hope you guys like it. I know  themazetribnewt has posted some of her parts, but i don't think sprinkles758 has yet. I'll have to see if she can lol. anyway. again i hope you all like it, and im open to CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. If you don't have anything helpful to say tho, just don't. Hate is completly pointless so just dont. Hope ya'll have a good day❤️

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