the year long sleep for sora and his awakaning

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I was sitting on thr clock tower in twilit towen when axel and roxas came up.

Don't mind me im just admiering the vew of this world from up here.

I hered axel somen his wepins.

What are you doing here? He damanded.

Don't worry lea i'm not here to fight im just thinking.

H,ho,,,how do you know my origanels name? He asked shocked roxes seemed cunfised.


You know him?

Yes i traind with him and he was like a brother to me.

He made his weppens disapper and sat next to me well roxas sits next to him.

What ever happened to him?

He and two others faced an old keyblad master curapted by darknes one is traped in the relm of darkness anather is impresened in his owen heart well ven almost distoed his heart to bead his dark half and his heart is resting in a frends of his that helped him befor anf i think you know who.

He shide at that like he figered like he figered it out i'm gessing you know where his body is and are awar that were sapost to be anames.

Yes i'm awar of that but i know when the time is right both you and roxas will do the right thing and i hop you don't tell your leader this since vens body is what hes looking for in cassel oblivean.
I was traning riku outsid of the manshin in twilit towen it was kinda funny since i had more experians at sword play then he did.

Once agen he was flat on his back panting.

What the crap sam how are you this good? He asked me.

I'vd been trand since i was about 13 years old and that was almost 11 years ago and i past my mastery test the year befor your ilends fell to darkness so i have more expereance under my belt then you and sora combind.

By the way what is your keyblad named? He asked.

By the way what is your keyblad named? He asked

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Ok that is a fitting name for your keyblad.
When sora and the others awaken
I was leaning on the wall outsid of the train stashen whating for sora and the other two when axel showed up.

You new about roxas?

Yes and don't worry he dose come back just not in the way you think and as of right now untell ferther notes were enames.

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