Rules of the warriors

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( Dont roleplay here, these are the rules of the roleplay before the roleplay starts )

So, you want to be a warrior, deputy, leader, or whatever your character will be? well, listen to the rules carefully and you will know how to play.

Number 1: Auto-kill 

Before a small number of cats from Shadowclan unsheathe their claws at me and scratch me like dogs, to all those edgy, god modders, or power-players, auto-kill is not allowed, you cannot go up to a cat out of nowhere and copy and paste *kills*

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Before a small number of cats from Shadowclan unsheathe their claws at me and scratch me like dogs, to all those edgy, god modders, or power-players, auto-kill is not allowed, you cannot go up to a cat out of nowhere and copy and paste *kills*. Instead, here's the way to do it, pretend you are being attacked by a loner that is going to kill you, and you are Darkclaw. ( You: *Pushes off and bites*  Them: *pushes* You: *bites neck* |permission to kill?|  Them: ((Yes))  You *Scratches throat* Them: *Slowly dies* )   Now, you should know how the killing works in this Roleplay.        

Number 2. Monster accidents

 Monster accidents

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If you choose to be in Berryclan or Smokeclan, the Monsterpath ( Thunderpath) is close to the rivers. But, that doesn't mean every single cat dies every time they are just walking to the other side.  So, no. Dont always die when you are in Smokeclan or Berryclan. The max cats in both clans that should die are 3, not counting unborn kits. 

Number 3. Cats in roleplay

Of course, I wasn't gonna let Mary sues and Gary stus slip by my cat vision

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Of course, I wasn't gonna let Mary sues and Gary stus slip by my cat vision. No overpowered characters, the max for Hunting is 7, Swiming is 3, Climbing is 4, Fighting depends on age, Kit is 2, Apprentice is 4, Warrior is 7 (Deputies and Leaders too) Medicine cats are 2 (Because they were not trained to fight.) Can't forget about names like Glitterkitty or Cupcakeprincess, but dont yell at people and go crazy to new people and dont know how to make a name, recommend them a suffix and prefix list, or give them info about warriors. (No pink, purple, Magenta, Rainbow, or any odd color not valid in warrior cats as an OC's pelt) 

Number 4. Kittypets

Kittypets do not know many fight moves, they know little to no fight moves, when being a kittypet and you are attacked, you should not be able to be lucky and only you being lucky

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Kittypets do not know many fight moves, they know little to no fight moves, when being a kittypet and you are attacked, you should not be able to be lucky and only you being lucky. Face warriors reality, you are being attacked by a fox, and all your life you were a kittypet. You would not be able to fight that good ( Adult or not)

Number 5. Ranks

There are 6 clans in this roleplay, Berryclan, Smokeclan, Sandclan, Rockclan, Mountianclan, and Voleclan

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There are 6 clans in this roleplay, Berryclan, Smokeclan, Sandclan, Rockclan, Mountianclan, and Voleclan. If the deputy and leader role is taken, do not whine or cry about it. Take deep breaths or read something, maybe squeeze an anti-stress toy and choose an open rank. 2 Medics for each clan.                                                                                                

Number 6. Mates and Relationships

If you know a lot about warriors then you should know this, being mates with a cat in a different clan isn't good, nor are half-clan kits

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If you know a lot about warriors then you should know this, being mates with a cat in a different clan isn't good, nor are half-clan kits. Here are the levels of relationships so far. (This includes cats in your clan or a different clan)

0-1% I dont know you

2-4% Enemy

3-8% Half-friends

10-19% Friends

30-50% Close Bond

60-80%  Almost mates 

90-100% Mates

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