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You watched over him while he recovered in and out of consciousness for the following four days. He would only try to force himself to stay alert whenever you cleaned and rewrapped his leg, or if you were trying to get him to drink water. When he was barely conscious, you tried talking to him, but would never talk -just groan and you assumed it's because he was still mentally exhausted.

Whenever he was asleep, you made runs to the nearby stores, trying to find anything to help him heal. Fortunately, on the second day, when you were growing desperate for new medical supplies and food, you found a small pharmacy. You stocked up on antibiotics, more gauze and pads, and Neosporin. You took a moment to smile and think of the flower shop when you found a snack bin under one of the registers that had jerky sticks, pocky, and chips in it. You didn't have to leave him for the next two days, which was good because he finally woke up on the fourth day.

"You're awake! About time, Blondie!" You smiled as he slowly sat up to lean against the back wall. You let him do it himself, for fear of him attacking you if you got too close.

"Here, drink this." You rolled a bottle of water his way. He grabbed it but never let his eyes gaze away from you and it was clear he didn't trust you.

"You were in and out of consciousness for the last four or so days. I tried my best to keep your leg clean and infection-free." You said, pointing to his wrapped-up leg.

You waited for a response, but it never came.

"If you're hungry, I have a bag of chips and a jerky stick left. Want them?" You offered, but he still wouldn't talk.

You tossed the food at him anyway and watched as he slowly brought them closer to himself.

"Normally, people talk in situations like this." You said, growing frustrated by his silence.

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I just wanted to make sure you would be okay because that cut was nasty. Not to mention you were being ganged-up on by the Nomu with a horde not to far behind. You're lucky I was in the area to help you out." You stood up to toss him his bag.

"Seriously, do you know how heavy you are? Are you made of bricks? I wouldn't be surprised if your quirk had something to do with your weight. I nearly threw my back out, trying to save your ass. The least you could do is say thank you!" You watched as he dug through his bag to grab a notepad and pen.

"Thank you." You read what he wrote out loud.

"You can't speak?" You curiously asked as you gazed into his crimson eyes, which were still glaring daggers.

"I choose to be mute." You read as you knelt beside him at a safe distance.

"Why choose to be mute?" You sincerely asked, but he didn't respond and waited for you to move on.

"Got it. Well then. Let's start over. I'm Himawari Matsuri, but you can call me Ari... Oh wait, you don't talk, so you can't call me Ari. Well, no matter, that's what my name is!" You waved off the thought and reached out to shake his hand. "What is your name?"

"Katsuki Bakugo." You read on the paper as he ignored your gesture to shake hands.

"Nice to meet you, Katsuki. Did I pronounce it correctly?" You ask, taking your stretched-out hand to awkwardly scratch the back of your neck. He nodded but pointed to his last name.

"No can do. I like your first name more, Katsuki, but I can call you Blondie again if you'd prefer?" You laughed as he clicked his teeth, and he rolled his eyes with frustration.

"So, how old are you? I'm guessing in your teens?" You scanned his body and scrunching your face to think of the specific age.

"25. WHAT! THAT--" You read his age aloud and got excited by it, but your excitement was cut short when he shoved his notebook at you again.

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