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You woke up to a popping sound and an angry eyebrow twitching Katsuki as he tried to figure out what to do with the bottle of champagne that was erupting out of the bottle and onto the floor. You made sure you were appropriately covered before sitting up to watch the free entertainment.

"Good morning, Blondie. What are you doing?" You asked after a while of watching him struggle.

You rubbed your eyes and gave him a sleepy smile as he looked up from the mess he created.

He waved 'hello' before aggressively pointing to the bottle, the floor, the glasses he planned to use, and then at you. After figuring out the game of charades you were being forced to play because he was too upset to sign correctly, you started to crawl out of bed to help. However, he waved you off and pointed at the bed with gritted teeth.

You giggled while he cleaned the mess and brightly smiled when he poured you a glass. He set the filled glasses on a platter and brought over peanut butter crackers and chocolate as your breakfast in bed offering. You held the tray of food and alcohol as he slid back into the bed, where the both of you ate and drank as the sun began lighting up the sky.

"Oh wow, look, Katsuki! It's a flock of seagulls trying to catch fish. I haven't seen a bird flying around in a long time. The last one I saw was caught by a tier two Nomu that had wings." You stated as you watched them fly around.

He quietly ate and listened to more of your stories, only nodding or disagreeing when you asked him questions. Once you finished eating and drinking the rest of the champagne, he held you in his arms. You pretended to be asleep so you could feel his warmth and comfort for as long as you could. Today was your last day to be with him, and you wanted to make sure you could remember his caring touch, his sounds, and all the colors he brought back into your life.

After the sun cast all the light it could onto the city, you unwillingly pulled yourself away from him and told him you were going to prepare for the day. He waited patiently for you in the bedroom while you prepared yourself in the bathroom.

You let your hair fall and styled it with your usual side braid to pin half of it back and brushed out the rest of the tangles that developed while you slept. Next, you brushed your teeth and washed your face with the cold water from the sink, which felt nice. You knew you were moving slow, but if you moved any faster, you wouldn't be able to smile for him like you wanted to be able to do. With each passing second meant a second closer to your separation and that was pulling at your chest, but if you could take deep breathes and slow down, it would be manageable. You continued to take your time using the restroom and getting dressed and even spent an hour or so cleaning the place up and hanging the wet swimsuits you used the night before.

As you opened the bathroom door, you were met by your favorite ash blond and red-eyed companions' calm but concerned expression.

"You okay?" He signed as he looked at you and the bathroom.

"Yeah, just cleaning and organizing. I like to leave things as nice as I find them. The swimsuits are still wet, though, so I left them to air dry." You smiled as you vacated the bathroom for him to use.

You cleaned the bedroom while you waited for him by collecting all the candles, making the bed, and folding the robes neatly. After you found yourself sitting on the couch looking at the view of the beach to soak it in some more.

I hope he brings someone special here... I hope they love and appreciate him the way he deserves.

You clutched onto your parent's rings as you pulled the necklace off.

It needs to be someone who can keep up with his sass and stubbornness. Someone who can help him continue progressing with his quirk. Someone he wants to use his voice with one day. They need to understand him and be patient even when they want to smack him upside the head. Hopefully, he picks someone to go on fun adventures with or admire the sunsets while cuddling—someone who can give him unforgettable happy memories.

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