Theme Park

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"No way! Is that the Hero Theme Park?" You asked as you ran toward the giant park entrance.

You quickly checked for infected and Nomu as you scanned the barren park grounds and when you determined it safe, you bounced to each poster and a giant theme park map to get a smaller one. Katsuki slowly walked up to you when you stopped to marvel at the front entrance.

"No way! No way! I've never been. Can we go in?" You excitedly asked with a sparkle in your eyes.

"No." He pointed to what seemed to be his favorite word whenever you would ask him a question.

"Oh, come on. Remember the rules? Enjoy the small stuff!" You reminded him and watched as he started writing.

"A theme park is not small. It's only been two days since we started walking. We still have four more days to go." A huff of disappointment left you as read his comment.

"Yeah, but this will be a good break for your leg." The thought quickly came to mind, but he crossed his arms.

"You owe me for helping you with your therapy. Spending three days helping you walk around was mentally and physically exhausting! I think you are the most stubborn person I have ever met, and I've met some stubborn people before. This will be a good payment for my helpful services." You added, hoping that would help your case.

"A deal is a deal. We walk." He wrote before turning to walk past the entrance.

"Yeah, okay..." You sighed as followed him.

"Have you ever been before?" You asked as you looked up at all the rundown roller coasters.

He nodded before taking another look at the map with the route to UA.

"Was it fun?" You asked, hoping he would share all the stories, but he shrugged.

"I don't know why I asked; I should expect that from you by now." You bit the inside of your mouth and decided to stop bothering him and stay more alert.

"You can come back once we finish our deal." He wrote as he walked around a flipped car.

"I don't plan on coming back this way after we split up." You admitted as you hopped over a dislocated bumper.

He stopped to look at you puzzlingly.

"What will you do after we part ways?" You read aloud and part of you could tell he was reassuring you wouldn't ask to stay at UA.

"Nothing special. I just know I won't be coming back to Tokyo." You kept it vague as you handed back his notebook and took the lead.

You felt bad for lying to him, but you were not going to tell him about your suicide plan. Before you could get too far ahead of him, he grabbed your wrist to stop you.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you examined the area for danger.

It was rare that he would grab you; usually only doing it when there was a Nomu or infected human in the area that you didn't see right away. This time he grabbed you and started pulling you toward the entrance of the theme park.

"Katsuki?" You asked as he looked in the park to make sure it was safe to stand there without being seen.

"Why have you never been?" He wrote.

"Too expensive." You answered honestly. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoy the small things. Consider this my payment for everything you've done and will do. You won't get anything else from me, so accept this." He wrote and watched as your face lit up with excitement while reading.

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