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You thought as you felt through the bedsheets for Katsuki's warm body. When he was deemed unfindable, you slowly opened your eyes to examine the bed further. Your robe was draped over one shoulder while the other side was around your arm. The soft bedsheets slid down your exposed form as you sat up to search for your muscular human heater.

"Katsuki?" You groaned as you rubbed your left eye.

However, no answer or any other sounds were coming from the tranquil room. You noticed the curtain to the balcony was pushed back, slightly allowing the calming blue hue of the morning to light the room. You always loved the different shades of blue that soothed the room before the brilliant oranges burst through to pump you up for the day.

Where did he go? His clothes are still here.

Dragging yourself out of the comfortable bed, you looked at the drying rack you set up the night before. You pulled the fallen part of your robe over your shoulder as you looked toward the balcony again.

He must be watching the sunrise. I'll leave him be until he comes back in.

You walked toward the bathroom in hopes that the cold water would wake you up. As you entered the warm room, you noticed something jerk from your side vision and quickly turned to look, thinking it was a threat. However, it was Katsuki sitting in the filled and steamy bathtub.

"Kats—" You stopped mid-word as you looked down at him.

You were in awe as you gazed at his body; a certain excited part being what caught your eye. Not only was his member entirely extended, but it was throbbing within the hand that gripped it. He was glaring daggers into your soul, but his expression soon changed to flustered when he left your eyes to look at the rest of you. Following his gaze to examine yourself, you quickly realized that your robe wasn't closed completely, and your body was visible for him to see.

A loud and flustered squeal of terror escaped your clenched teeth as you quickly grabbed both sides of the robe to shield yourself.

"SORRY!" You screamed as you frantically and awkwardly searched for the door handle to leave.

Once you found it, you promptly left the bathroom and closed the door.

Oh no! No, no, no... That didn't happen. This is just a dream and I'm still sleeping.

You pinched yourself several times, but you stayed leaned up against the wall outside of the bathroom.

"Katsuki... I'm so sorr—" He cut you off by slamming a hand harshly against the wall and you took that as a sign to be quiet.

Fuck! I thought he was on the balcony. Why? Why didn't I check to make sure? Why do I keep messing things up? He hates seeing me exposed, and now I've fucked up even more by walking in on him... touching himself.

You nervously paced the room thinking of something to do or say to make everything better again. After getting dressed, you anxiously went back to pacing as you waited for him. An hour passed, and the room was now a faded orange. You debated eating but ultimately decided to hold off because your stomach was in knots about what had happened. Your mind spiraled with thoughts and ideas, but they only stressed yourself out more.

Eventually, he came out but wouldn't even look at you as he stomped to the clothes rack, with a towel tightly wrapped around his hips. You could tell he was infuriated by his expression and the way he carried his body, so you didn't move or speak while he grabbed his things. He stomped back to the bathroom with clothes in hand and quietly but angrily slammed the door closed.

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