Makeover Time!!!

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I dare you to give Toothless a Makeover....good luck.

Jack: Ooh...this is gonna be intresting...

Elsa: Except for Toothless might just get a little too...jumpy?

Punzie:  Got that right...

Merida: I think Toothless is cute...

Hiccup: Don't worry guys, he'll be calm...

---------------after Toothless enters---------------

Merida: Get the stuff ready!

Elsa:  Oookay Toothless... start calm...*Puts lipstick and gloss on his mouth*

Jack: How do you use this? *holds up the mascara and miserably fails at applying it*

Merida: I'm telling you...I know Nothing about this...*Applies blush, but fails*

Hiccup: Shut the eyes, Toothless... shut the eyes...*Puts on eyeshadow on Toothless*

Punzie: A nice little accessory... *Puts a bead necklace around his neck...*

Anna: And for the final touch...*Ties a bow on his tail...*

And Toothless burnt up Elsa's room after looking at himself...

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