CH 37

213 16 13

I want that person to be me


Standing between the truth and lies...nobody to trust...

"Jinnie with you please tell me, what's wrong? You seem so off these days...please, hm?" Jimin said with a concerned look, Jin sigh

"Don't worry too much for nothing jimin-ah...believe me I am totally okay" Jin said

"Really?" Jimin ask wth a pout, Jin nod "You shouldn't lie to me, okay? If something happens you can come to me...I'll comfort you"
Jin weakly smile "Look! What's with that smile, huh? At least smile brightly if you want to act!"

"I am not acting jimin" Jin said, jimin scoff

"Yeah can't lie to me...I can tell by looking at you..." Jimin said

"Uff jimin-ah! You're so stubborn" Jin said

"You're even more!" Jimin said

"Okay, okay...I am okay so don't create a mess here" Jin said

"Whatever...guess what? I have good news for you" jimin said

"Good news? What is that?" Jin ask

"I sat a date...well, let's cut the word for date for now...go and get ready we're going somewhere fun" jimin said

"Somewhere fun? With who, just us?" Jin ask, jimin shook his head
"Then who else?"

"Ooh stop worrying about that! Let's just ready,  will you? I am waiting!" Jimin said and pushed him towards his room, Jin sigh and went upstairs to his room quietly and jimin mumbled "I'll let you hide things for now...but you can't hide Forever... everything will be revealed sooner or later"

"Woah! This place is amazing jimin-ah!" Jin said

"You like it? I am glad...after so many days I saw you smiling genuinely" jimin said making jin chuckle

"Thank you for all your affords jimin-ah" Jin said

"If I won't do it then who else do you expect-- Taehyung huh?" Jimin said and smirked, the smile on Jin's face fell but tried his best not to make it obvious by faking another

"You're saying like you're my mom when you actually look like my kid" Jin said ignoring the last words and making Jimin a little Angry

"Why? It's not I am small! I am long enough!" Jimin said, Jin laughed

"By the way, you said someone else was coming too...who?" Jin said

"Ah that...they should be hear my now..." Jimin said, Jin furrow

"Who?" Jin ask again

"Jungkook, Yoongi and taehyung" jimin said and looked at jin to read his expression but he found it unreadable "Yoongi is with them right now...I don't know the reason but I am quite shocked that Yoongi suggested to invite jungkook too, I guess he is getting closer with both of them say by day" his face showed Clear excitement

"I-i see..." Jin said and looked away

He shouldn't...he shouldn't get so close with guys don't know anything, Jin thought

"Ahh! Jinnie!" Jimin shouted making jin worried he rushed to his side with worry

"What happened?" Jin ask

"Why do you look so worried? They're here..." Jimin said and point at the particular place, Jin looked at the way his finger was pointing and his breath hitched wth just looking at the man standing in front of him already

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