CH 25

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"You both should go for a date today, it Sunday after all" Jimin said

"Sounds good---" v said

"How about double date?" Yoongi said forcing a smile on his catty face

"Um...that also sounds good..." V said forcing every word

"Oky is it's decided! After breakfast let's all go" yoongi said

"Where though?" Jimin Ask

"How about a amusement park?" Yoongi suggested

"Good! It's been a long time since I last went there" Jin said

"I almost forgot you were also here" yoongi said

"Same goes for me" v said and they both do a high five, Jin roll his eyes

"Aren't you guys getting so much closer?" Jimin said glaring at the both males

"You had a problem when I wasn't but now when finally we no more find eachother annoying, you also have a problem, what exactly do you want?" Yoongi said, jimin gave him a death glare, Yoongi
roll his eyes

"Okay so...I am done and I'm going tell me when you're guys ready I'll be infront of your home in 1 min" v said as he stand up

"Okay, bye Tae" Yoongi said receiving a glare from the both males sitting on the table expect Taehyung

"I think jimin you should stop calling Yoongi possessive cause you're second to none" v said

"Right" Yoongi said

"Shut up or I might put a tape on your lips" jimin said

"There's another way to stop me too" Yoongi said smirking making jimin frustrate

"Fucking shut up!" Jimin shout and turned to v "and you!" He point his finger at him "fucking go where you were going to don't waste your time and our too!" He shouted, v prevented himself from laughing as well as Yoongi

"Okay2 I am going bye, jinnie" v said, Jin hum in response and taehyung made his way out their home

After 3 hours:

They were at a movie theater after discussing a lot of what to exactly do

"I'll go bye Popcorns" Yoongi said and they nod "Don't be mean guys at least one of you should accompany me"

"I'll--" jimin said

"How about you Taehyung?" Yoongi ask

"Sure, jinnie I'll be back" v said receiving no answer, v wanted to Laugh looking at Jimin's face but he controled himself, chuckling the both males went to buy Popcorns

Jimin and Jin was still looking at the way they are were walking with a angry and annoyed expression like 'if someone come infront of them right now they'll be ready to kill that person'

"Are you thinking the same as me, Seokjin?" Jimin said too busy to look at the cute cat and a cute bear laughing while talking, there were other people too so thy had to wait so they were busy talking with eachother, he forgot to add a cute Nick name

"Maybe, Jimin" Jin said also busy forgetting to add Nick name, anger could be seen in their eyes, thy both were so busy that they didn't notice Suga and v was in front of them with popcorns, they were so focused that for them it was like no one else exist

"Hey! Are you there?" Yoongi said, they finally came back to reality

"Oo jinnie! That was so funny and confusing I had to think 2 mins about it and then I understood what you meant, your jokes are hilarious!" jimin said as he faked a laugh and acting as he hug jin's arm ignoring the others too, Jin gave him a confused look

Jimin tried to make him understand with his eyes and them continued faking a smile, Jin finally understood

"Ah! Yeah I told you" Jin said and faked a laugh joining jimin

The other two males were so confused, Yoongi looked at v who also looked at him, Suga gave him a expression like 'what's happening?' v replied with also a expression like 'how can I know?' with him hands in the air up his shoulders like:🤷

"Let's go jinnie" jimin said still hugging his arm while dragging Jin with him 'in', Suga and v followed them

Once they were seated, jimin sat next to Jin still the same position, while v on the left side on Jin's and Suga next to v

It was obvious that Jimin and Jin were ignoring both of them

"I guess they are jealous again?" V wispered in Yoongi's air

"I think so too..." Yoongi said still eyes on the pinky boy who were lost in the romantic movie, he looked at his arm which was under jin's and rolled his eyes

"Why they wanted to watch a romantic movie" yoongi said annoyed, totally not interested in the movie

"So that people innocent like us, can be bored" v said

"I can go with your half sentence, but I can digest that 'innocent' word can be suitable with you knowing what you were about to do yesterday If we wouldn't have interfare" yoongi said

"Oh is that so? What about you? I am sure you're even more worse" v said, yoongi rolled his eyes
"I'll try to talk to him" yoongi nod

"Jinnie~" v wispered in Jin's ear seductively, Jin almost jumped from his seat hearing Taehyung's seductive voice

How can I keep myself cool, when I am near this man who's trying to seduce me?, Jin thought

"Jinnie~" Taehyung Continued, Jin Finally put all the courage together and looked at v

"Y-yes?" Jin said, v smirk hearing him shutter

"Oops did I made a boner down there?" V said with a smirk but remained his Innocence with a innocent face he continued "want me to take care of it?" He smirk

"There's nothing like that, go away you pervert!" Jin wisper shout totally 'trusfrated' lol🤷😂

V burst into laughter but tried to keep his voice low

"Oh my god! That's hilarious, your expression it was hilarious!" V said continued making fun of the older

"Shut up" Jin said and looked at the screen to hide his red cheeks, v went closer and wispered

"Remember I am always here to help if something like that happens after all that day will come, one day" and backed away

Jin curse himself under breath for getting weak Infront of this man, his cheeks were flushed red

"Cute" v mumbled

He continued watching his lover, not knowing a problem is waiting for him

End of chapter 25

Here we go! I hope you liked this chapter 💜💜

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