To Be Romanced

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He came and helped me out on my side and when my feet touched the ground we were so close we could breathe the same air. His arms lingered and I didn't want him to let go. This was going to be the best day ever. I grabbed his hand and he interlocked our fingers, looking down and smiling.

"You're a hand holder." He noted.

"Only with you." I said softly and I could see my breath. He studied me and then released my waist to only keep my hand.

"Here we go." He said and I grinned at him.

"Lets." I agreed. He gave me a mischievous smile and then looked away. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just beautiful is all." He murmered and I hid a smile. Id eventually find out what that smile was about.

"So you often call girls beautiful on a mountain top?" I asked as he rubbed his thumb over mine. He glanced down at me and his face was unreadable.

"You really think I'm that guy don't you? Sophie, the only kind of guy I am is one who genuinly is trying to impress you and I promise you I will prove myself to you. Honesty was first on my list. "

"Well I suppose I could be honst back then..." I smiled at him and winked.

"What about?"

"We'll have to see if it's true by the end of this date."

"You know thats till night time right?" He said sounding a little impatient as he shoved a few things in his backpack.

"Mhm." I hummed and gave him my killer smile.

"Oh spare me, dear princess, you have stolen my attention, for it is your affection I desire the most." He said in a Shakespearean accent. I giggled and he pulled me closer by my hand as we walked up the mountain. He swung on his backpack immediatly enclosing my hand in his after.

"Why, kind sir, I do believe you already have it." He stopped walking and when he looked at me he started laughing.

"Oh Sophie Leclair how have you not stolen every heart you've ever come in contact with?" He asked smiling at me with a new smile. My smile.

"None of them were worth it." I said simply shrugging and he watched me, ponytail swinging, as I blushed.

"Tell me a story." I said after the quiet had come.

"We're almost there." He said, squeezing my hand. "Then I'll tell you all the stroies you want to hear."

I nodded and he led me off the path through blue ribboned areas and when we left the brush we were in a feild. The sky was covered with clouds and a striking blue hid around the edges. He pulled me out of my daze and into the feild where we walked. He threw his backpack down and I twirled around staring at the sky.

"I love it here." I said approvingly as the pinks burst across the sky with the setting of the sun.

"I had hoped you would. I come here.. used to come here alone. Ella hated outdoor activities. Even if I offered to drive her all the way up here she wouldn't want it... I'm not comparing you to her by any means because it would be an unfair advantage to you... but I always dreamed of someone who would love it as much as I did. Who's first reaction would be what mine was." He said staring at me. I walked closer.

"So did I pass? Or did you originally hate it?"

"Oh you've exceeded my dreams, Sophie." He said as I came close enough for him to put his arms around me as I bunched the clothing of his shirt in my hands....

"Good to know." And pushed. He fell and we tumbled together because he didnt let me go. I stayed on top and he laughed at me.

"You caught me off guard." He said inbetween catching his breath.

"So did you when we met." I said back just as breathless. We sat up and he pushed the hair out of my face. I was still in his lap somehow and he smiled at me. "And when you kissed me last night." I added softly staring up at him from my lashes.

"That wasn't a kiss." He said softly correcting me as his hand found mine again and his other free hand found my waist pulling me against him. His lips brushed my neck and I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tighter. His lips then brushed my jaw bone and I bit my lip. His eyes found mine and his lips followed after. He brought his mouth to mine and I felt his grip on me tighten and my eyes closed as I enjoyed the kiss. His lips were soft and slow and I ran my hands through his hair and down his back feeling him shiver. He french kissed me. His audacity shocked me and my culture taught me well, but by the stars he was an amazing kisser. Our tongues touched and I let out sigh as his hands tangled in my hair. He released me only to set one or two more soft kisses to my lips.

"Holy hell woman." He said barely out of breath.

"Same to you." I said way more out of breath.

"That, Sophie, was a kiss." He stated and I nodded in agreeance. The sun was setting and I never scooted away from him. He never let me go either. My back was against his chest and his arms were wrapped around me and I was playing with one in mine. As the moon began to rise.

"One time, I snuck into the treasury to get some money for a candy bar. I got past all the alarms and took a priceless piece of Roman jewelry to trade my friend for a candy bar. That's how they figured out the supposed traps in the trasury were a myth. A six year old was first to steal the gold." I started laughing and he smiled at me. He clearly loved my laugh.

"But why?" I said laughing so hard my sides hurt.

He shrugged. "It was a Snickers. You're not you until you've had a Snickers." He joked and I laughed again.

"No you're a criminal with a royal pain in the ass reputation." I said and he nodded making me laugh harder.

"You're turn." He said. I shook my head.

"I don't have funny stories. I have sad ones." I didn't look at him but his breathing hitched and his chest stopped moving as it had been constantly doing.

"Sophie.. if he hurt you..." he trailed off and i turned my head to see him. My eyes watery. "You never have to go back."


"Don't say anything just know I will kill him if he shows you his face ever again." He said darkly. He would. I didnt doubt it, his profession was to protect people, as second in command of the royal guard I'm surprised he hasnt started a war for me.

"Cole..." I said and he shook his head.

"What is it you wanted to tell me, it's night time." He sounded distant but he was trying to sound happy again. I smiled at his hand and he studied my face as the first stars appeared.

"Next time I should bring more blankets." He said jokingly as he pulled the big ome around us.

"Next time?" I asked smiling back at him. Im almost positive my eyes practically sparkled. "Honestly I was hoping for a next time."

"You know what that would mean.. right?" He asked not able to hide his excitement.

"I know very well, actually." I saif softly and I felt his lips push against mine and my smile broke it.

"Good to know." He murmered as we watched the stars begin to shine.

To Be a PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now