04| The Champion Selection

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Aurora walked alongside Cedric, the two siblings along with their friends were heading to where the Goblet of Fire was being held, with the intention of entering Cedrics name

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Aurora walked alongside Cedric, the two siblings along with their friends were heading to where the Goblet of Fire was being held, with the intention of entering Cedrics name.

Reaching the room the group of friends immediately began cheering the boy on. "C'mon Cedric! Put it in!" They yelled, two boys pushing the hufflepuff inside the age line. "Yeah Cedric," Aurora yelled, cheering on her brother as he shot her a bright smile.

He turned around once more, taking one last glance at his sister and throwing her a smile. He reached up, quickly slipping in the piece of parchment, the room erupting into cheers. He smiled, walking towards Aurora, bringing her into a tight hug which she returned quickly. The siblings let go, smiling at each other before Cedric turned to his friends, doing the same he had done with Aurora.

As the group began to leave Aurora caught sight of a familiar face, one that was already watching her. She smiled when she caught the Gryffindors stare, the younger girl quickly looking away, her cheeks flushing red.

"You coming Aurora," Cedric questioned, noticing his sister had made no move to follow them out. "Um no, I'll see you later yeah," Cedric nodded, giving her a smile before leaving.

Aurora looked back to the girl, watching her for a few seconds before deciding to walk over, only to have her path blocked as a loud voice rang out into the air. The Weasley twins had entered the room, cheering loudly as they each held a vial containing aging potion.

The students around them cheered as well, Aurora laughing slightly as the twins greeted everyone. "Well, lads we've done it."

"Cooked it up this morning."

"It's not going to work," a voice Aurora was familiar with said, her teasing tone interrupting the cheers.

"Oh yeah?"
"And why is that, Granger?"

"You see this? This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself."


"So," Hermione scoffed. "a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion."

"But that's why it's so brilliant."

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted," the twins laughed, standing up and shaking the vials in their hands.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

They popped open the vials, linking their arms and raising the potion. "Bottoms up," they said, quickly drinking the potion before jumping down, landing inside the age line.

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