05| Rita Skeeter & Dragons?!?

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"So, how was your interview?" Aurora asked as soon as she found her brother. He had told her about the interview that was going to be done by Rita Skeeter, a journalist for the Daily Prophet, who always seemed to spread false information.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though that's only because Harry was there. Her attention seemed to be on him entirely"

"Well, that's good I suppose," the younger girl said, as the two began to walk to their common room. "That way she won't have time to make up some bizarre rumor about you."

"Yeah, but still. If you happen to see her around, please hide me," Cedric spoke dramatically, grabbing onto his sister as though he was scared for his life.

Aurora laughed, "Of course. I'll protect you with my life." Sticking out her chest and holding her head high, Aurora attempted to make herself look bigger and more serious before a laugh bursted out of her and Cedric.

"Anyways, you have any idea of what the first task could be?"

"No idea," Cedric replied.

"Well, hopefully nothing too bad. Maybe I can help you train. We can work on all types of different spells, just to keep you prepared."

"Sounds good actually. We can do it a few days out of the week, before dinner." Aurora nodded, feeling excitement at the thought of helping her brother.

"Just make sure you get your school work done before. Don't want you falling behind on any classes," Cedric said, using his 'big brother' voice as Aurora liked to call it.

"Alright, I will," Aurora groaned, Cedric laughing.


Aurora rolled her eyes playfully as Andrea displayed the badge on her chest proudly. The changing of the image from it's previous one to "Potter Stinks" boldy displayed. Aurora knew she didn't mean any actual harm, that she found that kind of dumb stuff actually funny.

"Oh c'mon Aurora, don't look at me like that," the hufflepuff whined. "It's just a bit of dumb fun. It's not like I'm actually mad at Potter."

"Yeah, but the people wearing that dumb thing are actually mad at Potter."

As if he had heard his name, suddenly Harry appeared. He seemed embarrassed, as he tried to ignore all the stares and whispers, the teasing from everyone he passed. He quickly made their way towards them. But before Aurora could make a friendly greeting to show she harbored no ill feelings towards the younger boy, one of Cedrics friends butted in.

"Hey, read the badge Potter!"

Aurora rolled her eyes, turning around and shooting the older boy a glare. Harry ignored his words, walking up to Cedric and asking to talk. The two moved away from the group and Aurora tried to listen to their quiet conversation. Although she gave up quickly due to the noise. It wouldn't matter anyways, she was sure Cedric would tell her later.

Their conversation quickly came to an end, Aurora leaving Andreas side and heading over to Cedric.

"So, what was that about?" she asked.

"Dragons," he muttered.


"The first task. It's dragons," he told her, looking uneasy at the thought. Aurora couldn't blame him, she felt uneasy herself at the thought of him going up against a dragon. Despite this she was quick to reassure him.

"Don't worry about it alright. We'll do some research, we'll make sure you won't get hurt," she said reassuringly. She would make sure nothing would hurt her big brother.

He nodded, feeling slightly better hearing his sisters words.

Suddenly there was a commotion that caught the siblings attention. They turned and were met with the sight of Draco Malfoy, Harry, and the newest professor. A surprise came soon after as Draco was turned into a ferret.

The siblings bursted into laughter, enjoying the sight before them. Though it soon ended as professor McGonagall turned him back to himself, scolding the new professor before leaving.


A/N: hey, please check my profiles conversations for an update. it's important

not proofread

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