I got Satan riding next to me...

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Shifting my weight onto the back of my calves for comfort, I knelt there on the floor, anxiously awaiting his next command. I felt so small and insignificant next to his impressive erection as it throbbed longingly in his hand, mere centimeters away from my face. I almost felt like I was in line at a Catholic Mass, waiting patiently to be blessed by the priest and receive Holy Communion.

"Now, baby," he whispered, the swollen tip of his cock grazing my lips as he lowered himself down to my level. "This is what I want you to do," he continued softly; his excited, astonishing green eyes penetrating the very depths of my soul. "I want you to sit right there and watch me play with myself for a minute. No touching," he warned, flashing me an impish grin. "No touching me and absolutely no touching yourself," he then clarified, grunting softly as he stood himself up straight. His length teasingly embraced me once again as he towered over me; a thin, silky string of pre-cum attaching itself to the corner of my watering mouth. My tongue eagerly went to lick it away, but he stopped me. "Leave it, baby," he objected huskily, running a trembling hand through my dreads and tugging slightly. "You look so fucking sexy," he purred. "Besides, it's a good reminder that you're all fucking mine."

The way he emphasized those last four words overwhelmed me with lustful, frustrated shivers from the top of my head down to my toes. I couldn't fathom that I was being asked to just sit there - a chaotic, aroused mess - without touching a damn thing. I felt just like a child on Christmas morning whose parents told her, "You can open your presents, but you can't play with them." Fuck. I was finally getting a taste of all of the thoughts and emotions he had obediently swallowed for me so many times before.

Nevertheless, I was going to do what he asked. He was in charge, and the excitement I saw bubbling up in his eyes gave me so much serotonin.

"Yes, baby," I replied compliantly. I studied him carefully as he stood there, scattered goosebumps covering his thighs; making the hair on his happy trail stand up straight. The long, slender fingers of his right hand were now wrapped snugly around his cock, lazily moving up and down while he went to work keeping the left hand busy; gently squeezing and tugging on his balls.

"Mmm...fuck me," he moaned ever-so-softly, buckling into his own touch; his desperate pants filling all the empty spaces of our capacious bedroom.

Oh, how I wanted to. I'm sure he knew that, too.

He looked so beautiful there with his head tilted back, ecstasy flooding his veins. Tiny beads of sweat rolled slowly down his face and onto his chest; the perspiration making the colors in his tattoos pop like an electrifying rainbow in the glow of the nightlight. I wanted to touch him so badly, but I didn't dare. Instead, I let myself continue to be captivated by the delightful sight in front of me.

"God damn," he exhaled shakily with one last, tender stroke; shuddering as he squeezed his sensitive head. 

Taking a step backward, he bent down to kiss me. Even though he was calling the shots, he remained so passionate; holding my face comfortingly as his tongue and lips hugged mine.

Running his tongue across his lips and smacking them together, he looked at me concernedly. 

"Are you bleeding, hon?" he asked, gesturing towards my bottom lip. 

I didn't know it, but I had ripped off some skin from my bottom lip with my top teeth. Most likely from biting down on it with tremendous thirst as I watched him jerk off. 

"Oh, I guess I am," I replied, chuckling slightly. As I briefly surveyed the damage with my own tongue, I couldn't help but feel bad. How unromantic, I thought. 

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I bet that didn't taste that great," I said.

"Adie, since when have you known me to be afraid of a little blood?" he asked, darting his caring eyes back and forth across mine while gingerly caressing my cheek. "I earned my red wings a long-ass time ago, baby," he grinned. 

"Very true," I said, returning his warm smile. I couldn't help but be thankful that my man wasn't afraid to get a little...messy

"I just got this metallic taste and wanted to make sure you were ok. I'll go grab the Vaseline," he suggested, standing back up.  

"No, baby, it's ok," I said, nursing the small wound with my tongue. "I'll be fine. Thank you." Lord knows I wasn't about to let a miniscule tear in my lip impose on the raging wildfire burning between us right now. 

"You sure, babe?" he asked, running a hand through his wet, curly hair. 

"I'm sure," I said, smiling and squeezing his hand for extra reassurance.  

"Okay," he smiled, ruffling my hair. 

"So," he continued with a throaty gasp, once again clutching his hard-on. "Did you watch me the whole time?" he asked, looking down at me with twinkling green orbs. 

"Yes, baby," I replied, shifting slightly to create some kind of friction between my legs. I needed to feel something; anything. The throbbing was relentless. 

"Good girl," he murmured, taking a step closer to me. "I wanted to watch you to make sure you were watching me, but I was too busy imagining that it was your pretty mouth on my dick and balls instead."  

My cheeks sweltered at his words. I wanted to speak, but my head was spinning. 

"Now, though, I won't have to imagine it," he said softly, cupping his hand underneath his engorged tip to collect seeping droplets of pre-cum. "Open your mouth for me, baby," he whispered, running his wet fingers tenderly across my lips. "I want to feel your soft lips around me." 

Wrapping his hands in my hair, he gently pulled my head down onto his shaft; my hot breath encompassing him like a weighted blanket. 

"Oh, baby," he panted, beginning to thrust in and out of my mouth at a relaxed pace. I swallowed him further with every thrust until my nose hit his soft skin. He smelled so good. Instinctively, he pushed my head down even further, moaning as I swirled my tongue around the underside of his cock and balls with every thrust. "Oh, my God," he whimpered, tightening his grip in my hair. 

The more excited he became, the harder he pushed down on my head. One especially hard thrust pushed him way back into my tonsils, causing me to gag and cough harshly. Immediately, he became embarrassed. 

"Holy shit, Adie, I'm so sorry," he said, frantically pulling himself out of my mouth. "Are you ok?"

I was more than ok, but I could tell he wasn't. He wasn't used to having his way with me like this. This was all new territory, and as excited as he was, I knew it intimidated him to a degree. 

Before I had the chance to answer, he backed himself up to the edge of the bed and buried his palms in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, baby. I can't do this," he whispered. 

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