Ready To Explore!

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As I walk out the door of my room to go exploring... I make sure that I bring my card key just so I don't get locked outside of my room. I make sure I place it in my purse afterwards. I then go to Nathan's room first. I knock on the door to check and see if he is in. He usually lets me know if he goes out anywhere by leaving messages on my cell phone.
He doesn't usually like to make me worry. Nathan and Makail are very close to me. I love them both very equally. I did not hear anything from him until five minutes later. I hear feet going across the room and a clicking noise. He finally unlocked the door.
He looked happy with a smile on his face and looked refreshed, almost like he just finished coming out of the shower. His head looked wet and shined so pretty from the brightness of the light through the windows, Nathan is sharply dressed and ready to go.

"Who is this brother of mine?... Did you just have a shower?
You are looking so handsome and fierce!!! And... Do you have a girlfriend that I should know about?", I jokingly said in a pleasant voice to him. I have both my hands on my waist and a big grin on my face.

He replied back in a calm, relaxing, taunting, teasing voice and with a smile on his face, "Ha...Ha...Ha... Yes I did have a shower to freshen up a bit before we went out together.
Also Nooo, I don't have a girlfriend, but it looks like my charms have tempeted you to ask that question. And... Even if I did... I wouldn't let anyone know about it.
Maybe...... perhaps I would tell you... my dear sister, but no one else."

I said in a relaxing tone and now with my right hand I check my phone and look at a message MacKail had just sent me, "Oh My it looks like Kail is ready to go out and explore the ship with us now, Soooo shall we...!?"

Kail is a nick name that I use for my brother just for fun and to keep my talking shorter, he does not mind it at all though.
I reach out my left hand and Nathan takes it slowly, lightly and freely with his right hand.
He then walks out of his room taking with him a computer bag with his wallet inside of it, his black comb for his hair just in case it gets messed up, his cell phone and his bulky camera with a thick black strap that he placed around his neck. Now he was already to go.

Nathan said to me with his twinkling black eyes, with a pumped up voice and with a huge smile on his face, "Alright...!!! I'm ready... let's get MacKail and start enjoying this ship... and whatever is to come after that!!!"

As we went to MacKails room right beside Nathan's in a slow walking pace the door to Kails room opened up fast. From the door out stepped Kail all dolled up as well.
I felt sooo out of place with the way I'm dressed up.
They looked so cool and fresh while I Iooked rugged and had a not so tidy looking casual wear going on.

As we all came together and started walking down the narrow hall ways, we had made it to the fancy looking elevator that was right around the right side of the corner we had just turned.
I could smell strong rich colognes on both brothers. One I think was Kalvin Kliens and the other a Ralph Laurence smell.

We finally reach the elevator and head up 1 floor to the main shops on the Crusise Ship.

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