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I was in the middle of writing this chapter, and seemed to forget it's a Bucky fic. I wrote like a whole thing about Sam asking if Bucky was with anyone, and the reader accusing him of having feelings. I had it in the middle of a date that was going on between Bucky, and y/n too. I'm sleepy. 

So turns out, Steve wasn't super stoked about us. Yes he was happy, but he was also annoyed we "fonduded" as he puts it. When he found out Bucky was my first he lunged at him, and Tony and Sam had to hold him back. To me, and the girls it was hilarious but it took Steve a few days to get over. We've been together for almost a year now, and it's been great. Bucky makes me happier than I've ever been. 

"Doll?" Oh how I loved the name. 

"What's up Buck?" I put my phone on speaker as I got dressed. 

"Can you meet me in the park in an hour?" 

I pulled my shirt over my head, '"Sure, is everything alright?" 

He let out a small sigh, "Oh course, everything's fine." 

We talked for a few more minutes, and then I headed to the park. It was a good thirty minute drive on it's own, so when I got there it had been a little over an hour. Bucky texted me, and then called me. 

"Well hello again mister." I laughed a little, and looked around. 

"Hello darling. I need you to walk over to the trees at the edge of the park ok?" 

I hope he's not gonna murder me. I followed his instructions, and he continued to give me more until I walked into a little clearing. In the clearing Bucky sat with a picnic perfectly set up, and a large grin on his face. I hung up the phone, and walked over to him. 

"What's all this?" 

His smile grew, "Happy one year." 

I sat next to him, and gave him a little peck. "I didn't think you'd know." 

He took a hand to his heart, "Do you really think so little of me?" 

I pulled a strawberry from the small container they were in, "Yes, I do." 

He watched as I took a small bite of, and then looked at the display of food. It was simple, sandwiches, chips, strawberries, and cake. I couldn't've loved it more. We ate in a comfortable silence that was broken by my phone going off. I let it ring out, and just smiled at Bucky but soon it was ringing again. 

"It's ok, pick it up." He mumbled through a mouth full of sandwich. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Sam. He was probably just being annoying, so I turned my ringer off and set the phone back down. 

"It's just Sam, he can-" 

My phone started to vibrate again. 

I finally picked it up, "What?" 

He chuckled on the other end, "Just calling my favorite Rogers." 

I rolled my eyes while speaking, "What do you want?"

Bucky gave me a questioning look, and I shrugged. 

"I need a favor." 

"Spit it out Wilson, I'm trying to be on a date." 

He laughed again and apologized, "I just need to know if Natasha's seeing anyone." -

I threw my head back in frustration, "Dude, you've tried to get her in bed like three times. It's never going to work." 

He huffed, "It might." 

"Goodbye Sam." I hung up the phone, and Bucky chuckled next to me. 

"Was he asking about Nat again?" 

I nodded and threw a chip in my mouth. "I don't know why he won't give up." 

I laid my head on Bucky's lap as he continued eating. I was hungry, but I was also entranced with staring at my boyfriend. He's growing this beard, but it's only stubble so he looks a little dirty constantly. He also hasn't stopped working out, so he's only getting buffer. And his eye-

My stupid phone was buzzing again. 

"I swear to god, if this thing doesn't shut up.." I grabbed my phone and answered it without looking.


I heard a fake scoff, "What a rude way to answer the phone my friend." 

I leaned back on Bucky, "What's up Wade? I'm a little busy." 

"Obviously not too busy, or you wouldn't've answered." 

"What. Do. You. Need?" 

He sighed, "Well you see I was hanging out with Peter... I may have kinda crashed my car." 

I shot to my feet, "Are you two ok? Where are you? I can come pick you up." 

"Uh well we weren't actually in the car. You see Peter dared me to-" 

I cut him off, "I don't want to know. Where are y'all, I'll come pick you up?" 

He gave me his location, and I hung up. 

"I'm sorry Buck-" 

Now he cut me off, "It's ok. We'll do this later."

He gave me a small smile, and I bolted to my car. They were both indeed fine, but Wade's car was totaled. 

"You're both idiots." 

They sat in the back of my car laughing. Once I had dropped them off I went to Steve's, but he said Bucky was out with Sam. I felt guilty leaving him, but what was done was done. I went to his room changed, and waited for him to get back. 

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll get more out soon I promise! 

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