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Bucky showed up an hour later than he was supposed to, but he didn't know so it was fine. He found me pretty quickly, and a large smile graced his face.

"What's all this doll?"

I stood with my hands behind my back, shifting from foot to foot.

"I felt bad for ditching- and I know you said it was ok, but it didn't feel ok."

He looked around the area me and our friends has set up. Tony and Steve were able to get a clean white tarp, and metal posts to hold it up. I borrowed Steve old projector, and got Bucky's favorite movies. There was a blanket lying on the ground with our food, and some extra ones for if it gets cold.

"This is... amazing." He pulled into a tight hug, and we sat down after I put the movie in.

When the movie was over we laid back, and looked up at the stars.

"There's the big dipper." I pointed it out to him.

"I don't see it."

I huffed a little, and turned to his gaze to where it should be. His mouth made a little o, and I looked back at the sky for more. I noticed the silence coming from Bucky's end, so I turned to look at him. He had already turned his had, and was watching me. I turned red when we and eye contact and he just pulled me close.

"I love you." He mumbled into my hairline.

"I love you too Bucky."

We stayed like this for a few minutes before loading up my car, and going back home. We ended up going to my apartment with the girls, and curled up in bed.

Something was still on my mind though, "Where were you with Sharon today?"

Bucky looked over at me, "What do you mean?"

I looked back at him bitting my lip, "Its just, Sam was being weird about when I asked."

Buck looked back at the ceiling. "We were just walking around, nothing special."

I nodded, but I could tell he was holding back. I trusted Bucky with my life, but also couldn't help but wonder what he was doing with Sharon. I didn't think he was cheating or anything, but I also didn't know what he was doing. I fell into an uncomfortable sleep, that didn't even last long. When morning finally came around I woke up to Bucky getting out of bed.

"Where're you going?" I groaned while shoving my fave back into a pillow.

"Back to my apartment."

I flipped my head to the side, and watch as he got dressed.

"You don't have to go."

He chuckled at my whining, but didn't say anything.

"I'll see you later." He kissed me forehead before leaving my room.

"Bye." I muttered basically to myself as the door slammed shut.

The day dragged by. Bucky was responding to my texts, and I had nothing to do. Nat invited me to go bowling with the group tonight, and I decided it would be fun. I asked about Bucky, and she just shrugged. We waited till 8 to go, and when we got there it was crowded. It had been forever since I went bowling. Last time was a few years ago with Steve. He of course dominated, but I wasn't too far behind.

Sam was sitting by himself on his phone. I plopped next to him on the small booth as everyone else got shoes.


He looked up from his phone with a small smile.

"Hey y/n."

"How come Bucky's not here?"

Sam immediately dropped eye contact with me, "He uh, he wasn't feeling great."

My brow pushed together, "Is he ok?"

He just shrugged.

"Maybe I should go make sure he is." I went to stand, but San hurriedly stopped me.

"Don't. He said he didn't want to get you sick, so if you tried to go I was supposed to stop you."

That seemed like utter bullshit, but I say back down. Steve brought us shoes, and we all got to bowling. After 30 minutes, I decided to take a break and check my phone. I had a notification Bucky posted something on Instagram. I quickly opened the app to see a photo of him, and Sharon getting dinner with large grins.

He wouldn't cheat.

I quickly closed my phone, and looked to find Sam. He seemed to know what was going on, and could put my mind to rest. Sadly he was nowhere to be seen.

"Rogers! Get your ass back here, and bowl!"

I rolled my eyes at Clint, but did as he said. I was in second place behind golden boy Steve, but my game quickly dropped. My mind was so filled with Bucky I was missing all the pins constantly. Everyone noticed, but no one asked... Well no one but Tony.

He walked over to me with a huge grin, "Where'd your game go Rogers?"

He chuckled to himself while putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged, "Just thinking about Bucky I guess."

His eyes drifted behind me and his smile only got bigger, "Well think no more, he's here."

I turned quickly to see Sam trying to push Bucky and Sharon out of my line of sight. I caught Bucky's eye, and something in me broke. He had Sam lying for him, while he was out with Sharon and not telling me about it at all.

What the hell is going on? Sam turned to see me staring, and gave me a pitiful look. I stormed over to him grabbing his arm, and pulling him away from the now confused pair.

"Yeah, Bucky looks really sick." Sarcasm laced my words.

He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"What the hell is going on Wilson?!"

The man sighed, "It's not my place y/n."

I threw my hands in the air, and heard footsteps approaching.

"Is everything ok baby?"

I spun to face Bucky, anger still coursing through me.

"Where were you?" The words were filled with venom, and he could tell.

"Out with Sharon."

"Walking again?" I questioned ferociously.

He scoffed, "What's going on?"

I took a step closer to him, "That's what I should be asking you."

Bucky looked behind me to Sam for some sort of answers, but I cut it off.

"Don't look at him, look at me!"

His gaze flipped back to me. He now looked just as angry as me.

"What exactly do you think I was doing with Sharon?"

"I don't know, and that's the issue!"

Angry tears spilled from me eyes. Bucky took a step away from me, and I stormed out of the building. Maybe I was overacting. Maybe it was nothing.

The Little Sister Sequel (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now