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Bucky didn't get back till late, and by then I was asleep. I woke slightly when the bed dipper next to me, but I never felt his arms wrap around me. When I woke up the next morning Bucky was gone. I guess I really hurt him by leaving yesterday.

I walked into the boys living room to find Sam nursing a cup of water.

"Morning." I waved at him slightly.

He have me a small smile, but that was it.

"Is Bucky at the gym?"

He shook his head.


He shook his head again.

I started to get annoyed by his silence.

"Where is he?"

Sam set the glass down, "He went out with a friend."

A friend?

I'm not the jealous type, but something was off. Sam wasn't saying much, and he normally talks the most.

I shifted from foot to foot, "Who's he with?"

I hated acting like this, but I couldn't help it.

The man before me avoided my eyes, and shrugged.

"Come on Sam, who's he with?"

My question was answered by Bucky walking in with a blond next to him. Her head was thrown back as she laughed at something he said in the moments prior. Suddenly the shirt of Bucky's I was wearing felt too shirt, and I pulled at the edges of it. Finally their gazes fell to Sam and I.

The blond waved at Sam like they'd met before, and then looked over to me.

"This is y/n." Bucky introduced us, "And this is Sharon."

She waved politly at me, and I did the same.

"Uh, I wanted to talk to you Bucky."

He noticed how uncomfortable I was, and nodded walking us back to his room. The second we were inside I put a pair of shorts on, and sat on the bed next to him.

"I'm sorry for leaving yesterday."

He shrugged, "It's fine. If my friends called me saying they were in a car accident I'd be worried too."

I nodded my head, but something was still off.

"Can I make it up to you?"

He chuckled a little and got up, "I told you it's ok Y/n, but thank you. I need to get back to Sharon before Sam tries to ask her out again."

He laughed to himself again, and left the room before I could get another word in. I let out a small huff of air, and left the room after him. Sharon was on the couch next to Sam, and Bucky was sitting in a chair next to them.

"So Bucky, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh yeah I do."

A little giggle came from Sharon, "Are you two serious?"

There was a slight pause, and I could see Sam holding his breath.

"Kinda, yeah."

I stepped into the room like I hadn't just heard them, and smiled at Bucky. Sam could tell I had been listening and had a worried look.

"I'm gonna go back to my place. I'll see you guys later?"

The boys nodded their heads, and I smiled at Sharon once again.

"It was really nice to meet you."

"You too!"

I pecked Bucky's cheek, and left the house. I drove back to my shared place with the girls in complete silence. That entire interaction felt.... forced. And what did Bucky mean by 'I guess'?

I completely ignored my roommates as I walked straight to my room. I was just overacting. I have a bunch of guy friends, and maybe he was still upset from yesterday. I know he claimed he isn't, but maybe he is.

I wracked my head for ways to make it up to him, and fell on nothing good. The best thing I came up with was dinner and a movie. There had to be something better. I paced my room, and finally had somewhat of an idea. I texted Tony and Steve so they could help, and then went into the living room. Both girls were sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds.

"Look who decided to join us." Wanda smirked as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Have y'all met Sharon?"

Nat nodded, while Wanda didn't.

"Who exactly is she?"

Nat looked me over for a second, "Her and Steve have been hanging out a lot... Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. Her and Bucky were hanging out, and I just felt weird about it."

"Well you've got nothing to worry about my friend, Sharon's type is golden retrievers who can't take a hint."

I forced out a small chuckle, and my phone went off. I quickly saw the two men had responded to my texts, and were willing to help me. I looked back to the girls with a large smile.

"I'm gonna need y'all's help with something tonight."

When the sun set I got dressed in a simple shirt and shorts. Nat and Wanda had already started on their mission to get Bucky out of his house. It seemed it was taking longer than I thought, because he didn't want to leave Sharon alone with Sam. I hopped in my car, and got some burgers before driving to the park. When I got there Steve and Tony had set everything up perfectly.

"Thank you!" I hugged them both, and they took off.

I had already texted Wade not to bother me tonight, and everything was going to be perfect.

And it was almost perfect.

The Little Sister Sequel (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now