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After a few minutes of sitting outside in the cold air I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Go away."

The person sighed, but came in front of me.


"Go away means to leave." I spit out.


"I don't care."

"Its not what you think." Her eyes were pleading me to understand, but I couldn't.

"He really loves you, and didn't mean for any of this to happen."

I walked away from her, and called an Uber.

Bucky was blowing up my phone, but I informed him. I knew he wouldn't cheat, but if he wasn't cheating then what the hell was he doing? Nat and Wanda came home shortly after me, but I ignored them. I just wanted to sink into the floor, and never come back.

Bucky's POV
Right after y/n leaves the date early

I sighed as she walked off, and started to pack up all the trash. When I got back to my apartment Sam was in the kitchen filling a glass of water.

"Did she love it?" He questioned with a smile.

I ran hand through my hair, "Wade called, and she had to go."

The door opened again, and Steve walked in with a girl. He smiled brightly as he introduced her to us. Her name was Sharon, and she was obviously swooning over Steve. I'd had this idea for a while, and maybe she would help me out. After a while of talking Sam went to bed, and that left me and Steve with Sharon.

"Hey Sharon, would you like to get drinks so we could talk about something?"

She looked over to Steve who just shrugged.

"Uh.. sure."

I looked over to Steve, "If y/n comes by just tell her I'm out with Wilson."

It took a second for Steve to understand what I was doing, but then he nodded. Sharon and I headed out to a little bar, so we could talk.

"So, what's on your mind Bucky?"

I set my drink down, "I want to surprise y/n, but I need a women's opinion."


I looked down in my hands, "We've been dating for a year now and I was thinking maybe we could move in together. But first I need to find an apartment for us to be alone."

Sharon's face lit up, and she immediately agreed to helping me look for one. We decided to go out earlier tomorrow, so y/n couldn't ask any questions.

Little did I know, that would be my downfall.

The next two days when by ok. Y/n asked a few questions, but I was able to just brush her off. Finally Sharon and I decided on a smaller one bedroom apartment with a reading nook, and nice kitchen. I couldn't wait to tell y/n, but first I took Sharon out for dinner to thank her for her help.

Then we went to the bowling alley....

I should've down I seemed suspicious, but did she really think I would cheat on her? I tried texting and calling her, but nothing worked. The next day I drove over to her apartment so I could pick her up, and show her the place I got us. 

I know it's short, but it is needed. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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