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Ray's POV

I felt so bad for Oliver. The reality of his so called best friend has been revealed; he actually isn't a prophet but a manipulator. All that was left was getting our best friend out of the situation; Aiden. A key element. I stood apart from him as we made a deal that day;

"Well, a certain someone close to both of us is still in the dark. We both know his name and our best friends and his boyfriend have lost blood and tears trying to regain him."

I nodded my head and sighed. This was the harsh reality; Aiden has lost his way and needed to shown right back to the path of the light... He either is too far gone or he can actually be saved. If he can, it would obviously have to be done by the one who set him apart from us; Oliver. He has to save him from oblivion.

"Yes, Aiden. He means so much to me. However, I won't forgive you for what you did to him. BUT, I can forgive you for what you did to me and other innocents. You didn't mean it, and that wasn't your free will."

I witnessed him cry over that situation as he suddenly sat down by the lake. I sighed as I sat down right next him, the cold wind biting at my skin as the leaves swirled around as it fell from its tree. The late autumn air calms the two of us down as we sat in comfortable silence. Suddenly, without thinking, I perked up;

"You know, Oliver, the changing of the seasons reminds me of the relationships towards everyone. Your change is the dramatic change from the chill of winter towards the heat of summer. So dramatic. At least that's what it is on other planets.

We are so lucky to be alive on this wonderful planet. Spring and Fall make these changes more gradual and less sudden. That's what life is about; gradual and sudden changes. We all have our cold and depressing days, and our warm and fiery. But, it's a good idea to have a mix of both.

Remember this when you make friends; if you go through all four seasons with them, they'll last a life-time with you."

Oliver sighed as he looked towards in confused shock. I calmly smiled at him as the cold, biting wind nagged more at my sleek dark hair. My eye is slowly exposed and concealed once more, like a curious dog peeking towards it's new home.

"Ya know, Ray, I think you may have found multiple, but one stands out to me."

I cocked my head in confusion.

"Who may that be? I know its our group, but who is this special person? Aiden? Norman? You? Who may it be, that I spent all four mental seasons with?"

Oliver chuckled as he smiled at me. Deep down, I knew exactly who he was talking about, but my mind didn't.

"You're oblivious aren't you? It is..."

Its... Emma ain't it?


It was right there but I couldn't reach it. It makes plenty of sense, but my feelings were clouding my judgement. After all of these years, the first thing that happens after reuniting with my childhood friend is my feelings for her?

"Yeah, it was right there... but I couldn't snatch it. It fell out of my hands."

"Ya know, I was just like that when I first fell in love."

My face went as red as a tomato. Me? In love with Emma? I mean, I am sure I like her, but seriously love-

"Stop denying it Ray. Tell me, what do you feel when you are around her?"

I gulped, this was the exact method that I used on Aiden to pry him of my feelings. Like he did with me, I'll defend it all that I can! I mean, I ain't letting him have them am I right?

"I feel all flustered... like I am heating up, and like as if I am wanting to be around her. She gives off this radiating glow like I can reveal all of my secrets off onto her... She's the best person I have ever met.."

Suddenly, Oliver started chuckling. I stared at him as his chucklking turned into laughter. What could be so funny for me stating the truth?

"That's right, she is the best person you have ever met. Even more, she is your soulmate. Trust me, that is some deep ass love right there!"

My face grew extremely red. I quickly hid my face in my legs as Oliver just simply laughs at me. I mean, why would he honestly? That's a lie... no, deep down, I know it's true.. Its- just that I can't bring myself to accept it!

"W-what? My mind can't get around this!"

I heard Oliver chuckle slightly and pat my shoulder slightly. The sun suddenly peaked up from the clouds, warming my back. It felt good, despite it being in the early 30s in December autumn weather.

"Well, once again, you remind me of my first love. We were together nicely and it was... really hard to confess... Keep in mind we were twelve. We liked each other and everyone knew it. My mind was on fire when I confessed... and then, she kissed me... and then we started dating.

However, when we were 14, tragedy struck. On a cold autumn morning, we were walking on a frozen lake and... suddenly, the ice cracked. I didn't realize it until it had been a minute. I jumped in to save my girlfriend and... when I recovered her, well to make long story short... she was in a coma for a year then died in it. I cried so hard."

I was stunned. What a tragic childhood Oliver had... but, I wonder, when did Jack and him meet? Was he a kind boy in the past?

Probably not considering his nature.

But even the worst villains have backstories right.... There is good and evil within ourselves.

"Well, Oliver, how did you and Jack meet?"

"He saved me from a train. I was dared to run into the train when it hit me. Suddenly, I had a vision from a past friend telling me its not my time and one of your best friends will die by train.

A couple of months later, I woke up from a coma... everyone was panicked and I had stitches everywhere. Jack suddenly hugged me and said,

'If it wasn't for me, you would be dead.'

'W-what do you mean, Jack?'

'Well, I saw you and immediately took you to somewhere safe. The fact your parents never visited you makes me feel like you're unsafe.'

'How do you know that I was abused?'

'Takes a victim to know another victim. Come live with my foster parents, you'll love them!'

Then, he hugged me and held my hand to the best parents I've ever had in my life. Jack was a good person until tragedy struck."

I've got a bad feeling about this....

"My foster parents died, when I was 10 and he was 12. Suddenly, he became much colder, manipulative, and pretty much mentally insane. What he needs is a hug and love. Maybe we can save him that way. Promise me, once you get him, remind him how beautiful life is. He might su- no he will after he goes through his plan. Please."

I took in all of the details. What the fuck, Jack used to be really nice? Poor guy... I don't blame him, but I do blame him for his actions. He lost himself, but I knew we could bring him back to reality.The beauty of life eh?

"Yes, I promise I will. Thanks for your time, Oliver."

"No problem. Now, time for operation bringing two people back to reality!"

"Oliver, you're bad at names."

"Doesn't matter, we must save Aiden. And again, I need to uphold my promise to Lucas who died in an explosion saving us... "

We immediately ran to save Aiden, to bring him back to reality. I know saving Jack will be harder, but again, anything is possible.

The Art of Love (TPN High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now