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"Kid??" Plagg smacked his holder's cheek with his little paw. "Ow, what?" Adrien asked, annoyed. "Ooh, so you do like her??" the kwami teased. The boy rolled his eyes. "No, she's my best friend, nothing more," he insisted.

Chat landed on Marinette's rooftop with a thump. "Okay, you got this," he said to himself, before gently knocking on the trap door. She peeped her head out. Her dark circles were less visible but she still looked awfully pale. "Marinette! Are you alright?" he asked, hoping his acting would be believable enough.

"Just a little cold, Chat. I can't sew at the moment, go home if you'd like," the girl sniffled, before proceeding to duck back inside.

"No, I want to stay," the boy blurted out, grabbing her hand that had just released its grip on the frame of trap door. This took her by surprise. She whirled her head around to look at him, her eyes wide. "Let me take care of you," he said.

Chat sat by the ladderish stairs that let down the girl's loft bed, cross-legged as he watched Marinette reach for her mug of herbal tea on her bookshelf. "Here let me help," he quickly said, grabbing it and passing it to her.

"Thanks, Chat," she sniffled again, taking a sip from the mug. "When did you get sick?" he asked. she could clearly see the look of worry etched upon the black-cladded hero's face. "Since this afternoon. I think the rain got to me," she replied, coughing. the boy reached over to rub her back. "Have you taken medicine?" he asked. "I have some pills on my desk, the doctor came to see me earlier."

The blond climbed down the loft bed and saw the medication she was talking about. Picking it up, he observed it. "When did you last take this?" he asked her, not looking up from the bottle of pills. "About three hours ago," she replied. "You're due for another dose," he informed, climbing back up her bed. Unscrewing the cap, he tipped out a pill and placed it in Marinette's extended palm. She swallowed it, gulping down more tea after.

"Thanks again, Chat," the bluenette thanked him. Suddenly, the two heard a knock on the door. Alarmed, the sick girl rushed Chat under her blankets, and he laid down as flat as he could. She placed pillows on top of that, to make sure he was hidden. "Marinette?" Sabine called as she walked in the room. "I'm here Maman," she replied meekly. "I made you chicken lo mien, do you want me to bring it up to you?"

"Um, just place it on my desk, I can get it later I'm not hungry," Marinette said to her. Sabine did what she was told and left the room. Chat Noir peeped out of the blanket and started laughing. Marinette started laughing as well, coughing at a later date. He then jolted up and rubbed her back, soothing her coughs. "Do you want your lo mien now?" he asked her, and she nodded.

He picked up the steaming bowl of noodles and fork with caution and brought it up to the sick girl. He handed it to her, and she giggled. "I feel like a little kid," Marinette remarked, Chat laughing at the statement. Right then, a cheeky idea came to his mind.

He picked up the fork and twirled some of the noodles around it. He then started making airplane sounds, directing the fork to the girl's mouth. "Here comes the airplane~" he said teasingly, causing her to giggle. Even so, she opened her mouth and ate the noodles. He couldn't help but blush slightly at the sight; she looked like a cute little child, with her mouth full, messy hair and of course, her Chat Noir sweater.

Chat shifted back into his original spot on the bed and watched Marinette eat. "You want some?" she offered, but he politely denied. "You eat, I'm good," he said to her.

Once she had finished her bowl, she put it on her bookshelf and smiled at him. "Thank you, Chatòn," she said. She genuinely meant it, too. He smiled back at her fondly.

"Anything for you, Princess."

"What. Did you just..." Plagg's voice echoed in the hero's head, and he mentally sighed. He was sure Plagg would tease him so much back home. Marinette chuckled at what he said. "Someone seems fond of me~" she teased. He scoffed. "Of course, I am your knight in shining armour~" "

Well, knight in shining leather," she corrected, reaching over and jingling his bell.

Just as he thought she had gotten a little better, she started coughing harshly. He once again, reached over to soothe her back. "Easy there," he said as her coughs got worse. "Deep breathes, Marinette, deep breathes."

The bluenette heaved in and out, her coughing reducing to mere squeaks. "Take some water," he insisted, handing her the mug of tea on her bookshelf. She took it and drank, groaning after. "You have no idea how much I hate being sick," she sniffled. "It's like being locked out from being capable of doing everything yourself! I mean look at me now, you have to get everything for me!"

"I don't mind serving my Princess," Chat teased, earning a nudge from Marinette. "Idiot you know what I mean," she chuckled along with him, before a strike of thunder was heard. "Oh no," the bluenette groaned, flopping down. "Just what I needed, another rainstorm to keep me cold."

"You have a Chat Noir sweater to wear to sleep this time, I'm sure it'll be fine," the blond boy piped up cheekily, her playfully smacking his arm. "Chat!"

"I'm not wrong though because am I," he pointed out, and she groaned again. "Hopeless little flirt," she muttered, a sigh following. "Only for you, Princess," he cooed. What was up with him today? "And you're telling me you're just friends! Yeah sure," Plagg screeched inside his head.

After a tiny bit more of chatting, Chat decided it would be best for him to let Marinette have her rest and to avoid the drizzle developing into a heaving downpour. After all, if he wanted her to get better soon, she'd need lots of it. "G'night Mari, sleep well," he said to her, opening the hatch. From her sleeping position, she reached up and rang his bell. "Night Chat,  you too."


The blond was definitely correct. Plagg was teasing him. Bad. "Chat Noir and Marinette sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Plagg chanted for about the fifth time. "Quit it, Plagg!" Adrien protested for the tenth time. "No can do, unless you admit you like Dupain-Cheng, I ain't gonna stop!"

"If I give you camembert would you stop it??" he asked his kwami, attampting to bribe him. "Um...no! Chat Noir and Marinette sitting on a tree..." The kwami drifted away from earshot into his cabinet stash of cheese. Adrien groaned, falling face first into his fluffy set of pillows on his bed. Plagg was just being stupid. Marinette and Chat were best friends. It was normal for best friends to act like that. Right?

Yeah. Constantly flirting, having nicknames for each other, teasing, definitely normal for best friends to do.

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