chapter 1

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29/9/24 | hi everyone!! just for your information, i'm currently going through and editing this for a second time as part of my new layout!

in this fanfic, marichat are 15-16, and the timeline takes place in season 2 !

thank you for choosing my story to read, i hope you enjoy <3

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RAIN pelted down heavily against the windows of Marinette's bedroom one Friday night, the bluenette attempting to sketch. She was currently half-awake, her pencil slipping out of her grasp.

"Marinette!" Tikki, the ladybug kwami sing-songed, nudging her holder's cheek softly.

Marinette let out a soft whine, opening her eyes slowly. She closed her sketchbook and placed her pencil back into her stationery holder. Sighing, the girl stood up from her chair and sat down on her bed, picking up her phone.

"Are you--" her kwami started, but got cut off by a rapid knocking on the latch just above her bed.

"Tikki, hide," she loud-whispered before, peeping her head out the latch, coming face-to-face with a very familiar emerald green gaze.

Of course, it was Paris's well-known charming cat hero, Chat Noir. Well, in this case, he was a soaking wet cat begging to be brought in.

"Chat?? Oh god, you're soaking wet, come in!" Marinette gasped, rushing the boy in.

He jumped down the hatch, and unfortunately due to his rushing manner, he was sent tumbling down the ladder to Marinette's loft bed pulling her down with him.

"I'm so sorry," he apologised, standing up before helping her.

He shook his head like a dog, trying to dry his hair.

"It's my turn to patrol tonight, I didn't expect it to rain."

Marinette grabbed a spare towel from her dresser and handed it to him. He gratefully took it, patting down his suit then once more shaking his head finish drying off his hair. She yelped as water droplets showered her.

"Sorry," Chat said again, the girl chuckling softly.

"Don't worry about it," she brushed off with a smile which he returned, then folding the towel and placing it next to her laundry basket.

"Hope you don't mind the sudden visit, your place was the closest," Chat apologised for the third time that night.

"Oh it's no problem, really!" the girl insisted, telling him to wait right where she had sat him down on the chaise in her room.

Sabine heard her daughter bounding down the stairs, and sure enough her teenage daughter appeared at the foot of the staircase.

"Hi Maman," she greeted, walking briskly towards the kitchen, pecking her mother's cheek before reaching for some tea bags.

"Planning to have an all nighter, sweetie?" Sabine asked as she put away the last of the newly-washed dishes.

"Yeah, just need some time for self-care," Marinette lied, but what else was she supposed to say?

"Oh, actually no, Chat Noir is in my room and needs to dry off and I decided it would be a good idea to get him some food!"

Yeah, not really a normal thing to say to your mother.

With a tray of some tea and cream puffs in her hands, Marinette went back upstairs, only to find him flipping through her sketchbook which she had left on her desk earlier. Chat snapped his head around and closed the book, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist, I wanted to see what you draw."

Marinette rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know," she teased, placing the tray on her desk before taking the sketchbook out of his hands.

He laughed softly.

"Here, have some," she then offered, passing the cup of warm tea to him. Hesitantly, he took it and thanked her.

"You didn't need to bring me food you know," Chat said, his mouth full of cream puff.

Marinette, who was sketching next to him, shook her head in retaliation, speaking up in a matter-of-factly tone.

"You're shivering, Chat, and when you're cold you get hungry, I can't have you going back hungry."

The boy didn't say anything until he swallowed the rest of his cream puff.

"Thank you, that was really good," he thanked the generous girl, who, when turned to, was found holding back a giggle.

"What?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You got a wait," she said, reaching over once having a paper towel in hand.

He felt the coarse tissue graze his lips, and when the girl pulled back, she flashed him the little blot of cream she had wiped off.

"Oh," Chat simply said, turning slightly pink in embarrassment.

Marinette subdued the situation, tossing the tissue away before focusing back onto her book. Her hands gracefully gliding across the paper as she sketched, and Chat remained silent as his head now rested on the girl's shoulder.

The two stayed silent as she continued to sketch, nothing exchanged at all. Just as shs finished up the sketch, she subconsciously stuck her tougue out, which was her way of showing she was concentrating properly

. He couldn't help but let a tiny giggle escape his lips, because he found this very amusing.

"What's so funny, Chat?" Marinette asked, her eyes still glued to the paper.

"Nothing," he insisted innocently.

"Done!" Marinette exclaimed proudly as she put down her pencil.

She had sketched a simple but elegant dress, which looked like it should come up until the knees.

"That looks really pretty," Chat remarked, lifting his head from her shoulder.

"Are you going to sew that?"

"Yep, maybe tomorrow though," she replied, surpressing a yawn.

"Maybe I can come over and watch her," Chat thought, and asked her.

"Yeah of course you could! 8pm sound okay to you?"

The boy nodded eagerly, earning a laugh from Marinette.

Chat took a glance at the clock on her bedside table. 10:30.

"I better get going, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. Night," the bluebell-eyed girl waved him goodbye on the balcony, him waving back as a response before setting off into the Parisian night sky.

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