Lucas Snaps

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It was just another day in New York City. The students of Abigail Adams High School were finally done with the day and were rushing home. One odd bunch of students who are the best of friends - Riley Mathews, Maya Hart, Farkle Minkus, Isadora Smackle, Zay Babineaux and Lucas Friar - are walking home together. Farkle suggests meeting up at Topanga's to work on their homework together.

"I need to have some girl talk at the bay window with Maya so you all can go ahead and start at Topanga's. We'll be there soon. Come on Maya." said Riley. Maya and Riley said their goodbyes to their friends and started in the direction of the Matthews house. The rest of the friends, Farkle, Isadora Smackle, Zay Babineaux and Lucas Friar go on ahead towards Topanga's which is a bakery owned by Riley's mother, Topanga Matthews.

They take their usual spot on the sofas when Farkle says, "You know Lucas, you should really make your decision soon. This whole triangle is hurting the girls and I don't like it one bit." Zay added, "Yeah man, make up your mind already."

"I really don't think you should blame Lucas for this. He did make a decision but then Maya said that it didn't matter" Smackle reasoned, "It's not his fault if they didn't accept his decision. If anything it's their fault that this triangle is getting dragged longer than it needs to be. Ain't that right Gorgeous?" Smackle says winking at Lucas.

"Smackle!" exclaimed Farkle and then adds, "It doesn't matter what the girls said because Lucas hasn't made up his mind and he needs to do it fast for all of our sakes. He's hurting both of them and I refuse to let him continue to do so."

Lucas was just sitting there pinching his nose listening to them argue over what he should be doing and not hurt the girls anymore. "Are you even listening to us Lucas?" asked Zay, "Aren't you gonna say anything about this?" Lucas finally having had enough asks, "Does it even matter what I say? It's not like any of you even listen." Farkle angrily replies, "You haven't said anything so what should we even be listening to. You said you didn't want to hurt the girls but your actions over the past few months have done nothing but hurt them. I care about my friends enough to not want anyone to hurt them no matter who they might be. I don't care if I even have to fight you to protect them from more pain caused by you." Zay nods agreeing with Farkle.

"It's nice to know where I stand with you guys." Lucas says, hurt, "You both care about the girls being hurt but not your so-called best friend. I really thought you guys mean it when you both say that I'm your best friend." Farkle and Zay seem shocked at hearing this. "You are our best friend Lucas. Why would you think otherwise?" asks Zay. "Nevermind anything I said." says Lucas, "Let's just talk about something else. So Smackle what's new with you?" Lucas looks at Smackle pleadingly to change the topic. "You are not getting away that easy Friar." says Farkle, "You brought this up so now we're not leaving this alone until you've explained this to us."

Lucas takes a deep breath and replies, "Because you care about the girls getting hurt but not once in the past few months did you even think to ask me how I felt about this whole mess. Not once did you guys remember that maybe I have been hurting too because of all this. I kept having things thrown at me and all of you assumed I would be alright. I had to deal with the girl I was about to make things official with telling me she loved me like a brother to learning that my other friend has feelings for me to a few months later learning that the girl I thought was my best friend, who I thought I knew everything about has lied to me and and continued to lie to me for months after that. And after your wonderful declaration Farkle, I was thrown into a situation where I had two girlfriends that I had to even things out with continuously. Do you have any idea how exhausting that is? Do you have any idea how stressful this whole mess has been for me? But did either of you stop to think for a moment about how I might be feeling being in the middle of all this? No because the fact that the girls are hurting is much more important than how your "best friend" might be feeling." Lucas says, slightly breathless.

"Lucas, why didn't you say anything?" asks Farkle, "We would have tried to help you out if we had known." Zay nods and adds, "Yeah man, we would have listened to you."

"Did either of you need the girls to tell you that they were hurting?" Lucas asks, "Why do I have to tell you for you to know whether or not I'm hurting. Is it because I'm like the protector of our group that I have no feelings that can be hurt? Isn't it bad enough that the girls don't consider my feelings that you guys also decide to follow in their footsteps." Farkle and Zay look down ashamed.

Just then Riley and Maya enter and notice the tense atmosphere among their friends. Maya jokingly says, "Woah, who died here?" Farkle and Zay look up and are surprised to see that the girls have arrived. Lucas finally having had enough gets up to leave.

"Where are you going Lucas? We still have to complete our homework, don't we?" The others nod but are waiting to see how Lucas reacts. Lucas stops and turns around and answers sarcastically. " Well I was thinking of going and killing myself to finally achieve some inner peace not that any of you would care." Riley is shocked on hearing this and asks, "Why wouldn't we care, Lucas? We're your friends."

Lucas laughing darkly, scaring them a little and replies, "Am I really? I seem to recall you saying that 'Friends Talk, but Real Friends Listen' but in the past few months I haven't had any of you wanting to talk unless it has something to do with you or Maya being hurt because of the triangle. None of you have even wanted to listen to me. I was under the impression that friends are always there when you need them and yet when I needed someone, I didn't see any of you. I always try to be there for all of you no matter what but when I am the one who needs someone there's nobody."

All of them look down shamefully. "I'm sorry, Lucas. I didn't mean to hurt you." Riley tries to apologise. Lucas locks his watery eyes with her and softly says, "It's a bit too late to apologise now Riley."

Lucas then turns around and leaves not once looking back.

All of them are shocked but Smackle is the first one who recovers and says, "He's not wrong but we have to make it up to him. We have to regain his trust." Farkle, having finally gained his voice, says, "But, how?" They all look at each other. "Let's go to the bay window and think", Riley suggests.

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