Words of Wisdom

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On the Friar Ranch, Lucas is the first to wake up after yet another restless night.

He goes through his normal morning routine of chores and starts making breakfast.

Pappy Joe wakes up and one look at Lucas tells him that the previous night has once again not been kind to his grandson. He doesn't comment on it.

Instead he helps the boy out with breakfast. They both sit down, have their breakfast and then get ready to go to the rodeo.

While Lucas is distracted, Pappy Joe takes the letter that he wrote yesterday and places it in his pocket.

He has a feeling something's gonna happen today.

He also fears that Lucas might tear up the letter before Riley can see it.

Lucas doesn't notice the letter missing from his desk.

They both meet by the truck and make their way to town.


When they arrive at the rodeo, many people start to surround them.

They all congratulate Lucas on deciding to ride a bull again after his last experience.

They also comment on how proud Pappy Joe must be on having such a brave grandson which makes them both smile.

The older men try to pull Pappy Joe away to the other proud grandfathers.

Before he goes, Pappy Joe says, "I'm proud of you for facing your fear of riding a bull again. But I will also say that sometimes it's okay to accept help from your loved ones while facing some fears. Life does hit harder than a bull but, in life you also have the support and help of your loved ones. Always remember that."

He pauses for a moment and adds, "That crack case of a teacher of yours is not wrong about his lesson on forgiveness. You shouldn't lose your loved ones to your anger towards them. Just think about it alright."

Lucas looks down thoughtfully because he knows what his grandfather was referring to.

He nods but doesn't say anything. Pappy Joe sighs and leaves Lucas to his thoughts.

He knows that he should forgive his friends, if not for them but for his peace of mind, but he can't seem to find the strength for it now.

He decides to think more about this after the rodeo and goes to hang out around the other riders.

He knows that he needs to be focused before his ride and for that he needs to remove all thoughts about his friends from his mind.

He takes a few deep breaths to help clear his mind.

There are some girls also hanging out with the other riders. Some of those girls try to flirt with him but he ignores them.

When he's just looking around, he sees something familiar out of the corner of his eye.

He turns to look properly when he locks eyes with someone.

He freezes on realizing who he just saw.

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