Defending His Love

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Lucas had closed his eyes and was taking deep breaths to keep his anger at bay.

He opened his eyes when he felt in better control of his emotions.


Riley had noticed the change in his breathing pattern and was immediately worried about him acting out in rage.

She could also see the crowd forming and even noticed a few teachers showing up.

She knew that if Lucas did anything now when he was blinded by rage, he would end up in a lot of trouble.

She locked eyes with her father who silently told her to calm down and trust her boyfriend.

As much as she trusted Lucas to control his temper, she knew that with her as a target it would not be easy for him.

Despite her worries she decided to trust Lucas to handle this situation calmly.


Lucas kissed Riley's forehead and turned to Maya to find her still struggling in Zay's grip.

He turned to look at Farkle and found him clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.

Lucas says, "Maya stop. Riley is fine."

Maya looked like she was about to protest when he continues, "You don't need to start a fight here. Let me deal with this, please."

Maya finally stops struggling and goes to check up on Riley.

With that he turns to Missy and says, "I'm hoping you have a reasonable explanation as to why I just saw you slam my girlfriend into the lockers. I'd like to hear the reason for you resorting to violence like that instead of using your words."

Missy doesn't say anything so Lucas crosses his arms and continues, "I'm waiting"

Missy then looks him in the eye and says, "I was just showing that nobody her place. She disrespected me and so she needed to be taught a lesson."

Maya tries to go at Missy again but Riley and Zay together manage to hold her back.

Lucas raises an eyebrow and replies, "You're trying to tell me that my girlfriend, Riley Matthews was disrespectful to you? First do you even realise how crazy that sounds? And besides, even if Riley was 'disrespectful' towards you as you say, hurting her just makes you a bully. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept but respect is something that is earned and not demanded."

Missy looks at him angrily and says, "Why are you even defending that childish loser? She's a nobody. Also you can drop the whole girlfriend act because I know you're just dating her out of pity. You would never really go out with a loser like her. It's social suicide."

Farkle, Zay and Maya gasp audibly while Smackle has a shocked look on her face.

Riley notices Lucas stiffened on hearing Missy's comment.

Lucas asks in a cold voice pausing at each word, "WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY?"

Riley winces at the tone with which Lucas spoke.

Missy however doesn't seem to notice and repeats herself, "I asked why you are defending this childish loser? You're even dating her out of pity. You can do so much better if you would just ditch this nobody."

Lucas clenches his fist and even starts shaking a little in rage, which really worries Riley.

Lucas says in a low angry voice, "You think I'm dating her out of pity? I don't know about you but I sure as hell ain't that shallow. Unlike you, I actually care about other people's feelings. And I certainly don't toy with anyone's feelings."

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