Big Plans

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Lucas was working on catching up on everything he missed and occasionally asking Topanga for help.

He wanted to be done with everything as soon as possible so that he could join his friends in school again.

Topanga sat next to him pretending to read a book while she kept an eye on Lucas.


It's almost lunchtime when Lucas finally finishes the work Riley had left for him.

Lucas shuts his book and lets out a relieved sigh. Topanga smiles from her place next to him and puts her book down.

She ruffles his hair, earning herself a groan of protest from the boy, before going to make lunch for the two of them.

Lucas follows her and tries to help as much as he is allowed to.

They sit down together to eat when suddenly Lucas says, "I want to take Riley out on a date today."

Topanga smiles and replies, "Where do you want to take her? I'll give you some money as allowance as well."

Lucas shakes his head and says, "My parents give me some money along with Pappy Joe, so money is not an issue really. But I was thinking to doing something in private this time. As much as I would love to show off my girlfriend to the world, we won't be able to talk outside."

Topanga nods, understanding and replies, "You two definitely have a lot to talk about. Do you have any specific place in mind for your date? Knowing you, you probably have it all planned out,"

Lucas blushes and says, "I was thinking about a picnic on the roof if it's okay with you?"

Topanga pauses to think for a moment and replies, "That's a wonderful idea. So what do you need? And please don't feel shy if you need anything, even money, from us. You're like a son to both Cory and me so we don't mind giving you some allowance."

Lucas is about to say something when Topanga cuts him off and continues, "Don't start with the you're already doing me a huge favour by letting me stay here like this and all that. Whatever we're doing here is out of love. We love you and that's why we want what's best for you. Don't ever feel bad about accepting help from us."

Lucas nods and says, "I'll need a few things to decorate the roof. Also I want to make the food myself, so will you help me with that?"

Topanga smiles and replies, "Of course I will help you in any way I can. If you want some desserts then I would suggest getting something from the bakery because we probably won't have the time to bake something. Now why don't you tell me exactly what you have planned."

Lucas nods in agreement and replies, "Okay so here is what I was thinking..."


Topanga sees how his eyes light up while talking about his plans and also notices how he has planned everything to the smallest detail.

She finds herself amazed at the boy and once again wonders how his parents could ignore him.

When she had heard from Pappy Joe that his father thought of him as a disgrace, she was enraged.

Sure Lucas had some anger issues but he was working so hard on them.

Why couldn't his parents see his efforts?

How could they make their only son, their own flesh and blood, feel so unloved?

She truly despises such people.

She made a silent vow to herself to never let Lucas feel unloved.

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