Chapter Five

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As the night wore on, for some reason, a sense of unease settled upon the dormitory. The dimly lit corridors seemed to whisper secrets, and a chill permeated the air.

Nayeon was sound asleep at the side, while Y/N found herself unable to shake off the eerie sensation that something was amiss as she read something.

It was no new.

There are many horror stories that were gossiped about around the Yeorun Dormitories, but none of them have been proven true as of the moment. That's what is starting to scare Y/N. After her encounter with Dahyun, she felt a moment of change. A bad spine-chilling change.

There is it again. . .

Y/N heard a faint scratching sound coming from the wall next to them. Ignoring it at first, she continued with her readings, trying to convince herself that it was just a mouse.

But the noise grew louder and more persistent, echoing through the room. It was as if something or someone was trying to claw its way out.

Feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, Y/N stood and placed her ear against the wall, trying to discern the source of the sound.

As she listened intently, the scratching abruptly ceased. . . suddenly, there was a growl.

Y/N's heart raced as she wondered who or what could be trapped within the confines of the dormitory walls. 

Who could've broken the rules and kept a dog in here?

Y/N gulped before leaning back, crouching down to lie on her bed. She closed the yellow lamp, ready to go to sleep. Completely ignoring the fact that her pulse is quickening and something was bothering her next wall.

The next day. . .

The early morning light filtered through the dorm room window, casting a soft glow upon the scattered belongings and half-opened textbooks.

The room wasn't quiet, not when Nayeon was already awake, showing annoyance at non-living. She slammed something on her nightstand that woke Y/N up.

"What? What are you looking at?" Nayeon was almost hissing when she saw Y/N staring at her with those honey-drooping eyes.

Y/N smacked her lips, closing her eyes, trying to wake herself better.

Nayeon rolled her eyes at the latter. "You're so loud, stop smacking your lips—stop breathing, it's annoying," The older incredibly says.

Y/N looks at her with a frown.

What the hell? What did I do?

She chose not to say anything as it was pointless.

It was a typical morning in the bustling dormitory, filled with the energy of young minds awakening to a new day. Y/N didn't wake up early to take a bath, especially when she couldn't sleep any better after last night. . .

The air was filled with a medley of sounds — the shuffle of feet, and the occasional yawn that echoed through the corridors.

When Y/N got out of their door all dressed up, Nayeon followed, even bumping her in the process. Y/N stares in disbelief at Nayeon's figure modeling away.

At the same time, the next door opened.

And, God. . .

Y/N thought it was the perfect time to ask what was happening inside their room last night, but seeing the familiar person already next to the doorway, she just sighed.

"Ooh, Hi! I guess God's timing is always right," She says with a cheeky grin. She even has a face cream smeared on her forehead and cheeks.

"I guess this is destiny! Don't you think so? God's plan~!" She continued.

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