Chapter two: Before or After

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As the sunlight filtered through my thin curtains I sat up in bed and groaned. 

I did not feel like going to school today and I definitely didn't want to get out of my bed. Sighing, I swung my legs over the bedside and coaxed my muscles into working, finally, they woke up and I stumbled into my small bathroom to get myself mentally prepared for another day in the life of Anna.  

Glancing at my reflection, I suddenly shrieked and sprinted backwards as far as I could go, that was, until I tripped over the mat and landed heavily on my bum. I wasn't even at school yet and my body was bruised, shaky and traumatised.  

After much alteration, I was now staring at a presentable sixteen year old. Her light brown hair tumbling past her shoulders, just reaching the slight curve of her chest, blue eyes shining back at me as I observed her and finally, thin arms sprinkled with freckles from spending large amounts of time in the sun. Smiling, I felt like today might be a good day, despite my accident earlier this morning "but I was so young then,  that tumble was such a long time ago it seems like years" Realising that I was rambling to myself in a bathroom I blinked and backed away.  

Shaking my head of my nonsense, I remembered that today there was a new student coming to our school today, he would be doing Italian too so I would definitely see him. Maybe he'll be cute...

Scarlett threw back her head and cackled at the sky. It was recess and from nearby, a couple of students glanced over and I was forced to snatch her half-eaten sandwich out of her raised hand and stuff it into her open mouth. Eyes widening, she turned to me and tried to swat me away. Chuckling I turned my attention back to the conversation "nah, Eyes for sure." Theo was facing Joe, an intent look on his face. "Haha, eyes?? What about those dimples though" I smiled softly; always count on Joe being the sweet one. When it didn't come to me, of course. 

Being friends since grade three had its perks and watching him grow up was fun too. While I had completely changed, losing my chubby build but, at the same time, not growing much taller, Joe had shot up and with his messy brown hair, plump lips and tan skin, hadn't changed much since back then. I looked around at the rest of our gang and noticed how different we were. Besides Scarlett, Joe and I there was also Theo, Dex and Sage. Theo was another part of my primary school memories and had definitely grown up well, dark hair constantly having to be pushed out of his hazel eyes and strong arms that looked perfect casually hanging over his guitar.  

Theo was the other muso, while I sang and jammed on piano, he was glued to guitar and drums. Dex was the funny guy, short and very light coloured hair, good-looking legs and a good height. He was the one that was perfect for hugs. 

Sage was the bubbly one, although Scarlett and I were known as 'the twins' and could be counted on for a laugh, Sage was full of energy and light that instantly put anyone in a good mood. Although she was Christian, she didn't let herself be tied down by expectations or stereotypes. It was a great group of people and I loved every one of them.  

We sat together on the grass, chatting and laughing until the bell rang across the oval. I instantly remembered that next we had Italian, with the new kid in tow and I nudged Scarlett "hey, wonder if that new guy will fall for you straight away or after a few days" she punched me on the arm and answered with "pppfft, yeah is this before or after he falls in love with you babe" I laugh at that silly notion and together we rush into class.. 

It turns out the new guy was already there, sitting casually in a chair and looking around the room. As I entered his eyes met mine, light brown with flecks of gold staring right at me and he fought of a smile, then they flickered towards Scarlett and he didn't even flinch at her beauty. I blushed and looked down at the floor as I took my seat. I don't know why I was so happy he didn't seem to be affected by her, I didn't even know the kid but it felt good to be seen as an equal to her, by someone other than her.  

I looked up to find him looking at me, a smile still threatening to take over his face. I could see he was the type of guy whose eyes smiled along with lips and I almost smiled back. So it looks like I would be taking Italian much more seriously from now on....

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