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I'm too excited to wait so here

Alex let out a loud groan as the teacher mentioned a partner project- one where no one would be paired with their friends.

This was agonizing for Alexander. He absolutely despised partner work, knowing he'd just be doing the entire assignment by himself. He always did. Alex was known as the smartest student in the school and people took advantage of that.

Alex didn't necessarily mind doing all the work. He would rather do it and know he would get an A than have some imbecile bring him down. He just hated that they got a free perfect score while he did all the work.

He looked on the board to see who is was partnered with.

John Laurens.

This was the only class Alex shared with the boy who possessed that name. Alex was in all advanced classes but John seemed to only take advanced biology so it was the only time they saw each other.

John Laurens was indeed quite a character. He was loud whenever he was allowed to be. He knew when to shut up. He would walk into class and shoot finger guns to the teachers. He'd even refer to some by their first name just to piss them off. He'd sometimes come in, obviously high and smelling of weed. He played on the baseball team and from what Alex overheard from gossip, he was quite good. Alex wouldn't know though. He hadn't gone to a sporting event since freshman year when he was forced into the homecoming game to escort his girlfriend at the time, Eliza, on the field since she made the homecoming court.

Alex groaned when he saw, walking to the back where John Laurens sat. "Okay, here's the deal. I'm gonna do all the work and you're gonna sign your name. We don't even have to talk about it." He said.

John looked at Alex and laughed, shaking his head. "Sorry, shawty, but in bio, that's not how I roll. This is the one thing I'm good at so I'm not going to let you do all the work." He said

"Well I'm not trusting you to do this entire project alone." Alex deadpanned.

"So we work together." John mumbled, laughing. "Fine." Alex said bitterly, really not wanting to.

"Why don't I come over to your place after school? I'll stop by the store and buy some supplies and shit." John said.

"No, you're not coming to my place. We can meet at yours." Alex said. "Okay, I guess." John shrugged, not minding Alexander's attitude.

"Okay, here, type your address in." Alex said, basically shoving his phone to John.

"My god- someone's in a bad mood." John laughed and put in his address.

"Yeah, I am." Alex rolled his eyes, basically snatching his phone back and going to his seat.

Fun fact about Alexander: he tends to be an uptight asshole, especially when things don't go his way

John laughed and shook his head at the male. After school, he went and picked up all of the materials needed for the project. He waited for Alex to get there.

"Hey! I'm not going to give you a tour cause you gotta leave in like two hours so we need to work." John laughed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be blunt, I don't give a shit about a house tour anyways." Alex shrugged. "Damn, alright." John said before leading Alex to his room upstairs.

"Mkay, I've got everything we need up here. Now, I'm just gonna let you know, I'm about to smoke some pot and my dyslexia tends to get worse when I do that so you probably will need to do the reading and writing and I'll just tell you what to do." John said.

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