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Philip took John up to his room, taking a deep breath. He never played in front of anyone.

Sure, he recorded and played a song for John while he was in his coma but that was different. He was here now and he could judge him, so Philip was extremely anxious.

"Okay, this is one a wrote a bit ago. It's about our family." Philip explained, resting his hands on the keys.

John nodded along with what Philip was saying.

Philip took a deep breather before playing the song. It was elegant, a song he really was proud of. He wrote it just after johns accident so a lot of emotions were in the song, even though it had no words.

His hands graced the keys and a masterful form. He looked and played like a professional. He started to tear up a bit during the song, just really feeling more emotionally connected to this piece.

He felt a tear fall on his hand but me kept playing, not even really feeling as though anyone was watching him.

"Wow, Pip. That was so beautiful. Why don't you ever play for us?" John asked, going over and hugging his boy.

"I just get- wait-" Philip pulled away from the hug. "How do you know I never play for you?" He asked.

John furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Pippy, everytime I ask you to play, you say you don't want to." John laughed

"You- you remember that?" Philip asked. "Hold on, hold on- do you remember who I am?" He asked.

"Of course I remember you- you're my son." John said, confused on why his son was asking these questions.

"Oh my god- oh my god!" Philip exclaimed. "Dad! Dad come up here now!" He called.

Alexander rushed upstairs. "What? What's wrong?!" He said, worried something happened.

"He remembers! He remembered!" Philip said.

"What?" Alex said, eyes wide. "Baby!" He said, turning to join. "What did I forget? Why are you all so excited?" John said.

Alex and Philip both hugged John, who was hugging back but greatly confused.

They pulled away and settled down. Alex ordered some Wendy's for dinner, John saying he was craving it and Alex wouldn't deny John what he wanted.

He did, however, have to admit that the guilt from his affair was washing over like a Tsunami.

"So I was like... out of it?" John asked, eating his burger. Philip nodded. "You thought I was your brother and dad was your cousin. And you had o idea who Angie even was."

"Where is my baby?" John asked, looking around. "She's staying the night with George and Martha. I didn't want her to be so weirded out by you not knowing who she is." Alex explained.

John nodded softly, still very confused but understanding. "What happened while I was out?"

"A lot-" Frances said. "Too much to go into for tonight." Alex and Philip nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Tomorrow though?" John said. They all nodded. "Yeah, tomorrow. You kids aren't gonna go to school." Alex said, eating a fry.

"Yeah- I wouldn't go anyways." Philip laughed. "Aye, you need to be going to school." John laughed.

"Please, no lectures." Philip said with a smile.

"I love you guys." John said, kissing all of their heads. "And I miss my little Angie."

"Do you want me to go get her? You can hang with these two. I know they missed you a lot." Alex suggested. "Yes, baby. But come here." John said, standing up and going to the kitchen.

Part of Alex started to panic.

Did Philip tell him? Does he know? He's going to kill me.

Alex swallowed a bit and followed Alex. He was immediately brought into a tight hug from his husband. Alex let out a quiet sigh of relief and hugged him back.

"I missed you." Alex said, holding onto him tightly.

"I love you." John said, nuzzling his face in Alexander's hair. "You need to shower." He mumbled after a moment.

Alex laughed softly. "Yeah. I know. It was hard to take care of myself when I didn't have you here making me."

John laughed and shook his head. "After the kids go to bed and we are alone in our room, I'll show you how much I love you, yeah?" He smiled, kissing Alex's head.

"Yeah, I'd love that." Alex smiled, holding him close again for a moment before giving job a quick kiss. "I'll be back in about an hour and a half. I need to talk to Washington about work and it may take a bit." He lied.

John pouted a bit. "Okay, baby. Hurry back." He said, kissing him again.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Alex said before leaving the house, sighing a bit.

"Fuck- you're so addicting-" Alex panted a bit, moving back to the front of his car, buttoning his pants back up.

"Yeah, I know." Kitty smiled, leaning over and giving him another kiss.

"We really need to end this." Alex mumbled against her lips.

"Is that what you want?"

"Morally, yes. This is wrong. I'm married." Alex said, pulling away.

"But... I don't want to stop- I feel like I can't. It feels like it's right in the moment. But I feel guilty." Alex explained.

"Just let me know what you decide. I'll respect it. Even if I'd rather this just continue." Kitty said, tracing his lips with her thumb.

Alex nodded softly. "Thank you." He said, taking her hand and kissing. Emotionally, he wasn't attracted to the girl at all. But physically, Alex thought she was one of the most attractive people he'd ever seen.

After Kitty left, Alex sighed and got some water. He drunk an entire bottle to look less flustered before going to Georges house.

"There's my girl!" Alex smiled and picked her up when she ran over to him.

"Come on, I have a surprise at home!" Alex said, saying a huge thanks to George and Martha for watching her before taking her home.

To say Angie was happy would be an understatement. She squealed and hugged John as tight as she could. She never really grasped the situation so all she knew was that her papa was back.

While John was spending time with Angie and Frances, chatting and spending time with them, Philip pulled Alex into the other room.

"Are you ending things with that person?" Philip asked, crossing his arms.

"Yes, Philip-" Alex started.

"Don't lie to me. You were gone for about two hours- I know you weren't just talking to George." Philip said.

Alex sighed softly. "Look- it's complicated-"

"No it's not! End it, dad! You have no excuse!" Philip snapped.

"Okay, son. Okay. Just- don't tell pops, okay? I'll let him know later on." Alex said.

"You better." Philip muttered before walking away, pissed at Alex.

Alexander sighed and got a soda from the fridge, sipping it.

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