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More wholesome KamuKoma??? Nonbinary Izuru??? I think the fuck yes. Izzy K needs some comfort now too cause my child has hospital trauma >:(
(Lmao I like the title cause while it does have relevance to the angst, it's also a funny joke cause I compare Izuru to a cat a lot lolol)

Also sorry it's been a while since I've posted lol, been really busy with school n shit :/


Izuru Kamukura was just like a cat sometimes.

They were perfectly content with sleeping all day, and they would just flop down and take a nap wherever and whenever they wanted. Frankly, Nagito thought it was adorable.

Only moments ago, Izuru had just practically fallen onto their couch, and was already fast asleep. Nagito smiled to himself, looking at his peacefully sleeping partner.

Being the dead of winter, Nagito couldn't help but notice how cold the room was, so he decided to get a blanket for Izuru. Izuru didn't seem to be shivering, or uncomfortable in any way, but Nagito still wanted to do something nice for them.

Nagito went up to their small towel closet, and picked out a clean blanket from it. It was a large fluffy black one, and Nagito knew it was Izuru's favorite.

Nagito returned to the couch where Izuru was, and leaned over to throw the fuzzy blanket over his partner. Just as he was leaning down, everything suddenly flashed.

Nagito blinked, and realized he was suddenly pinned down against the couch, with Izuru on top of him. Izuru's eyes were wide, and yet it looked like he wasn't really looking at Nagito. Their eyes were glazed over, yet sharp and angry at the same time. Wait, angry? Was that the right word? Or did they look more... afraid?

""I-Izuru?" Nagito said tentatively to the person pinning him down against the couch. Nagito could feel Izuru's breath against his face, and it seemed to be growing erratic. "Izuru, it's me." Nagito said. Izuru didn't respond, and Nagito felt his hands start going numb from the iron grip Izuru had around his wrists.

Izuru's glazed eyes slowly shrank back to their normal size, and their arms collapsed under them, making them nearly fall onto Nagito's chest. Izuru quickly pushed themself up and away from Nagito, opting to grab the blanket, and throw it over themself, hiding their body.

"Izuru?" Nagito tried again. "Can you say something?"

"Don't you dare touch me." Izuru hissed. Nagito bit the inside of his cheek, and stood up. He slowly backed away from his partner, putting his hands up in a surrender-like position, silently telling Izuru he wasn't going to hurt them.

"Izuru," Nagito started softly, staying completely still. "It's me. It's Nagito. You know I'd never hurt you. It's okay, whatever you think is happening, isn't. You're safe."

Izuru narrowed their eyes and stared at Nagito for what felt like hours, completely unblinking, until recognition set into their expression.

"Nagito," They breathed. Nagito smiled softly.

"Yeah, that's right." He said. "It's me."

Izuru was quiet for a moment, slowly steadying their breathing, as they forced themself to relax. Izuru pursed their lips, lost in thought.

"I am at home." They murmured, almost too softly for Nagito to hear.

"Yeah," Nagito said gently. "You're here, at home, with me. There's nobody else here and nobody's going to hurt you."

Izuru sighed, staring deeply into Nagito's green-gray eyes before speaking.

"I was unaware I could still feel things like that." They said flatly, having calmed down faster than any normal human ever could.

"You're still human after all," Nagito said. "You still have emotions, even if they were suppressed so much you couldn't find them."

"Hmm..." Izuru mused. "I suppose you are right."

"Do you..." Nagito started tentatively. "Want to talk about it?"

"I... do not like when people stand over me." Izuru said. "I have already seen too much of that from the doctors."

"Oh," Nagito said. "I'm really, really sorry for making you remember that."

"It is fine." Izuru said. "You did not know. You were not there."

"They treated you horribly, huh?" Nagito said melancholically.

"Yes." Izuru responded, looking to the ceiling. "They treated me as less than human, yet they told me I am above humanity. Even now I can not say which I am."

"Of course you're above humanity!" Nagito said. "You're amazing, and talented, and so full of hope!"

"I am artificial." Izuru responded. "I am merely the defective product of men playing god. There is nothing admirable about being a guinea pig."

"Maybe so, but that doesn't matter!" Nagito insisted, not being able to stand his hopeful, talented, perfect partner putting themself down. "Even if your existence is artificial, who cares? The circumstances of birth don't dictate your life! A kid born in a hospital isn't meant to stay there for their whole life, and the same applies to you! Every life is created by another life, but that doesn't mean you belong to the people who created you. No matter what it seems like, you're your own person, and your amazing identity is entirely your own!"

"Hm." Izuru said. "I suppose that is true. I did not expect such words from you, Nagito."

"I just can't see you saying such things about yourself, Izuru." Nagito said. "I've never met someone as hopeful or perfect as you, and I need you to know it!"

"I see." Izuru said, twirling a piece of their hair between their fingers. "You have grown. In the past you would never contradict me no matter what I said."

"Ah! I'm so, so sorry, that was far too out of line!" Nagito said nervously.

"No, not at all." Izuru responded flatly. "It is a pleasant change. You are less grating when you speak confidently and from the heart."

"Ah, I see, I see." Nagito said. "I'll be sure to do it more, then!"

"Good." Izuru said, satisfied. "Now I am tired again, so I am going back to sleep. Do not wake me."

Nagito nodded. "Sleep well, Izzy." He said with a smile.

As they flopped back over onto the couch, Izuru murmured, "Call me that again and I cut your tongue off."

Nagito smiled. "Okay then."

There was no response from Izuru. They were already out like a light.

Izuru Kamukura really was like a cat.

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