7 | Surprise Visit

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Namjoon spent the rest of his day trying to relax his tired, worn out body. His back and chest pains were weighing him down. When gripping onto his heart monitor which he was hooked onto, along with many more thin wires, leading to IV fluids that were provided to the underweight teen who was dehydrated from lack of liquid intake, along with the amount of times he had thrown up due to the chemotherapy.

Aside from carrying his heart monitor around, he also had to walk around with a an oxygen tank beside him, opposite side to the other monitor. With so much to handle when walking around the hospital, Namjoon would grow incredibly weak. But today was a day in which he felt oddly energetic.

"I'm surprised to see how long you've been touring the hospital, Namjoon. You seem different, in a very good way." A male nurse named Yeonu spoke, walking alongside his patient who was in a good mood today.

The young teen nodded, telling him a little bit of how he met Jin and how he's been the one keeping his good mood from deteriorating. And also admitting to feeling different as well.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling today, Namjoon?" One of Namjoon's favorite nurses walked into him and the other nurse, greeting Namjoon with a big smile as her white lab coat was all full of tiny hand and footprints from the younger cancer patients.

"I like your outfit today, nurse Kimi." She giggled at Namjoon, looking down at herself. "The babies had a fun time today making pictures of their own little hands and feet with paint. See you around, champ!" They smiled at each other and Namjoon noticed how Yeonu kept on smiling at Kimi even after they had left.

"If you like her so much, why don't you tell her one day when you two are having lunch at the cafeteria?" Namjoon softly spoke, the circular crease of his dimples becoming more visible as he gave Nurse Yeonu an eye smile.

Yeonu then proceeded to explain how he wish it were that easy to express his love to the pretty nurse who he has been best friends with for many years, but he said that he wasn't confident enough to do so.

"Nurse Yeonu, I'll give you my wish. You seem to need it more than I do." Namjoon joked, earning a short laughter from the male nurse who had softly padded his shoulder with a smile.

"If only I could. I've always liked her, ever since we studied to be nurse practitioners together, four years ago." The thin haired boy raised an eyebrow at the nurse. "Then why not tell her now, it's never too late, you know." Another dimpled smile appeared on Namjoon's face and he completely missed the answer his nurse gave him.

All that he could think of was his messages with Jin.

"U-Know. I wonder what Jin could be doing now... He did leave me on a little cliffhanger this morning." A small pout traced his lips as he looked down at his tank, arriving at the end of a hallway full of kids who were celebrating their last day of quarantine in the hospital.

"Some of these kids have been here as long as you, Namjoon. See that one right there?" The nurse asked, discreetly pointing at a cheery little boy with jet black hair and a patch over his eye.

"He had a tumor on the left side of his brain. He battled with it since he was two-years-old and today, at five-years-old, he was announced cancer-free to his parents. Sure, he may have lost his eye because of the tumor..." Within the short moment of silence that the nurse had, Namjoon spoke up.

"But even though he can only see through one eye, he's still here and he'll learn to view life now with his heart." The nurse turned his head towards his patient, questioning him.

"How would he do that, champ?" He then waited for Namjoon to respond, as the shy and introverted boy bowed his head down. Spots of skin showing in between his scalp, as his last remaining thick strands of hair held on for as long as they could, proving to him that while the chemotherapy and radiotherapy were killing his cancer on the inside, his hair was still standing strong, resting on his head for as long as the treatments allowed it to.

Despite him waking up to clusters of hair every morning and afternoon in between his naps, Namjoon's hair was healthier than most people since his mother would always prepare a natural shampoo and conditioner for him to use. As well as multivitamins and herbal remedies in the form of liquid to help his hair stay healthy.

But unfortunately, since Namjoon started chemotherapy, he would oftentimes throw up the vitamins given to him, especially the herbal juice and shakes provided to him by his mother. His parents soon stopped leading the unhealthy life they had all together and started to make better choices.

His mother would steam and boil everything they would eat to eliminate any of the pesticides left on the fruits and vegetables. They stopped buying junk food and cooked healthier every day. Even when Namjoon showed signs of improving... One morning, he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom and started to cough.

The cough was continuous and to make matters worse, blood had dripped onto his shirt and hands as his father rushed in to find his son on the floor, barely conscious.

That scenario was one of the worst moments in Namjoon's life, as he recalls scaring his family, including himself while they rushed with him to the hospital.

From there on, he was forced to be left in quarantine just like before, only much longer and accepting no visits at all, even from his parents.

"Yeonu, will I be able to see my parents today?" Namjoon asked in a breathless voice, before his nurse could open the door to his room again when their walk was over. After walking for 20 minutes, the young teen had already been drained of his energy and wasn't as confident to walk any further.

"Of course you will, Joonbug! But first... I think that there's someone else who wanted to see you today." He smiled politely, opening the door to Namjoon's room.

The young boy allowed his arms to drop as he felt no movement in them, as well as his legs that were losing stability due to his surprising encounter with a tall, brown haired man.


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