Chapter 2

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Romeo's POV

As soon as I left the classroom, my girlfriend, Samantha approached me, giving me a seductive smile. I smirked while watching her slender legs. She was so sexy in her mini skirt. She and I met at my basketball match last year. Samantha was a member of a cheerleading squad in our high school. I was the captain of our basketball team, but it was the first time I had noticed her because she almost fell on me when I was going to the changing room.

"My doll." I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me and brushed my lips against her plump lips.

When I pulled back, Sienna gave me a dirty look and walked away angrily, holding her book against her chest.

"Where are you looking, babe?" She pouted, her arms still wrapped around my neck.

"Nowhere." I flashed a smile and kissed her again. "Are you ready for the party tonight?" I asked, leaning against the wall, pressing her against me.

"I can't come." She informed sadly. "My grandparents are coming from London. So my parents didn't let me go." She sighed, upset. I nodded, giving her a sympathetic look. "But don't be naughty without me." She warned, tapping on my nose playfully.

"When I was?!" I smirked devilishly.

Once my last class had finished, I went towards my car and threw my backpack onto the passenger seat. Then I leaned against my car, waiting for Troy. We were planning to go to his house and get ready for the party.

I straightened as I saw Troy walking towards me.

"Olivia isn't coming with us. I will pick her up when we go to the party." He informed me as he approached me.

Olivia was Troy's girlfriend. They had been together for more than a year.

"Good. Samantha won't come to the party." I informed and smirked wickedly.

"Oh no!" Troy sighed, shaking his head. "I know this look. When will you stop cheating on her? I don't understand how you can still be together when you fucked half of the girls in the school while being in a relationship with her." He added, giving me a disapproving look.

"Dude, be quiet!" I warned him, checking around.

"You think your adventures didn't get to her ears?" He mocked.

"Yes, she heard, but I convinced her by telling that it was because of people who were jealous of us. So be quiet!" I stated firmly.

"If you go to other girls, why are you still together with Samantha? Break up with her!" Troy said in disapproval.

"Don't start again, Troy. And don't ruin my mood. Sam doesn't come, but Anne will be there; Nathan told me." I winked at him playfully.

"Anne? That new girl?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"The one and only." I smirked devilishly.

"You are hopeless!" Troy shook his head, exhaling loudly.

When we walked into the living room, Troy's parents, Aspen and Serena greeted us. His parents were cool. I often came to their house to hang out with Troy. So I was close with his parents too. When Troy and I played football in the garden, Aspen joined us too.

"How was school, boys?" Aspen asked, giving us a warm smile.

"Good." Troy replied.

"Boring." I sighed.

"The party will be interesting. Don't worry." Aspen commented and gave me a knowing grin.

"Oh, it will definitely be." I smirked arrogantly. Aspen chuckled.

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