Chapter 14

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Sienna's POV

I sighed, getting up as I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Romeo and Samantha. I saw them kissing each other today. It seemed they were back as soon as he broke up with Lorie. Maybe, he even broke up with her because he missed Samantha. Who knows?! I couldn't still believe how they would get back together after what happened between them. She is really a brainless bimbo.

As much as Charlotte told me that Romeo told her Samantha and he weren't back, and it was one time thing, I didn't believe it. And as we consider that he didn't come to the mansion, I was sure that they were back. I heard his father informing his mother about it when I came to their house as Charlotte asked some help with her project and suggested to me to stay the night here.

I ruffled my hair, breathing deeply and went to the kitchen to eat something.

I was eating chocolate pudding when I heard noises coming from the garden. It was dark outside; so I couldn't see anyone. However, I heard someone's voice. I panicked as I saw the shadow approaching the sliding door. I gulped in fear, placing the bowl on the table and looked around, trying to find something to defend myself. If I screamed, no one could come to help me before the burglar hurt me; so it would be better to find something to defend myself.

I grabbed a pan and approached the door, bending down slightly, trying to be discreet as much as possible. Fortunately, I didn't turn on the kitchen lights when I came; so he couldn't see me.

I leaned against the wall nervously, lifting the pan up. As soon as the door opened, and the burglar walked in, I tried to hit him with the pan and screamed, calling for help.

"Hey, easy, little thing!" Romeo stated, grabbing my wrist in the air.

"Romeo?" I mumbled, shocked and breathed deeply in relief.

"Yeah. Did you wait for someone else?" He asked, smirking as he took the pan.

"Jerk! You scared me. I thought it was a burglar." I snapped angrily, placing my hands on my hips. My heart was still pounding.

"And you decided to scare him with a pan?" He commented sarcastically, waving the pan slightly.

I narrowed my eyes. "I panicked. It was the only thing that come to my mind." I hit his chest and tried to grab the pan. "Maybe, I should finish what I have started. So you can see what this pan can do." I added bitterly.

"No, no, little thing." He shook his head, pulling the pan away while wrapping his arm around my waist, trying to keep me away from it. I tried to grab it, pushing him away, but he tightened his grip around me, giving me his signature smirk. Suddenly, he lost his balance, dragging me with him.

"Ouch. You are heavy." He groaned and gave me a mocking smirk.

I gritted my teeth. "I am not. Are you calling me fat?!" I snapped angrily, still lying on top of him.

"No, the last time I checked, you were fit." He said, biting his lower lip seductively.

My jaw dropped from his confession. I pursed my lips together as I felt my cheeks flushed. Fortunately, he couldn't see it because of darkness.

"Shut up, jerk." I snapped and tried to get up.

"You never like whatever I say." He grinned, amused.

"Then try to be quiet." I rolled my eyes and tried to lean my hand against the floor to get up.

Suddenly, Romeo screamed in pain, still lying on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked, worried, bending down.

"Watch where you place your hands, little thing. If trying to hit me with a pan and sabotaging my dates weren't enough for you, now you try to unman me!" He hissed between gritted teeth, holding his member.

My eyes widened in shock as I understood what I leaned for support while getting up.

"Sorry." I said nervously. "Are you okay? It is dark; so I didn't see it was your..." I mumbled, embarrassed. "I will help you." I added, grabbing his arm, trying to help him to get up.

"Just stay away from my precious body part and me." He warned, pulling his hand away. "Stop torturing it. You have already given it so much trouble." He added angrily.

"What are you talking about?! I didn't do anything. It wasn't intentional." I stated firmly. "So don't worry about your precious body part." I added, emphasizing the last words.

He gave me a dirty look as he got up. "You don't have any idea." He mumbled and left angrily.

Romeo's POV

I was sipping my drink, looking at Sienna with her prick, Justin. We were at Bryan's birthday party. I gritted my teeth as Justin wrapped his arm around Sienna's waist, pulling her closer to him and whispered something in her ear; she giggled, amused.

"Who do you plan to murder, bro?" Nathan asked, smirking as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"No one." I mumbled between my gritted teeth and sipped my drink without managing to take my eyes off the lovebirds.

"Oh, are you sure?" He teased me, looking at Sienna and Justin.

"Nathan!" I gave him a death glare.

"I am surprised you haven't scared the shit out of him yet." He commented, giving me a wicked smirk.

"Who said I didn't?! But this one is tough. And I don't understand it at all. If it was someone else, he would have already broken up with her." I confessed, looking at the prick while thinking. "There is something fishy."

"Maybe he truly likes Sienna." Nathan said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Don't talk bullshit!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Why not? Sienna is a beautiful, smart, kind girl. It is easy to fall in love with her." Nathan resumed in a serious tone. I raised my eyebrow, turning my gaze to him. "Hey, don't be jealous. I am not interested in her. I don't want to be your next victim in your list." He added mockingly.

"Don't be ridiculous. I am not jealous." I stated firmly.

He gave me an unconvinced look. "Yes, you just protect her. How kind of you!" He said sarcastically and smirked.

"Nathan!" I warned him angrily.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Romeo, when will you confess your feelings to her? Every one can notice the high-level electricity between you two when you are together in the same place. Maybe you need another way to decrease it, other than fighting. More pleasurable." He winked at me and smirked teasingly.

I gave him a dirty look. "What feelings? Don't talk bullshit!" I said nonchalantly after clearing my throat and looked away.

"Romeo, don't lie to me. You know what I am talking about." He sighed.

I frowned, annoyed and ran my hand through my hair.

"What do you want now, Nathan? I don't intervene in your relationship with my sister. So leave me alone!" I stated, irritated. "Go to your girlfriend. She probably misses you. You are away from each other for more than fifteen minutes." I added mockingly.

He looked away, biting his lower lip. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Don't change the subject!" He sighed and continued. "Don't you think you lost a lot of time? Don't forget, if you keep in this way, you will really lose your chance with her." He stated seriously and tapped on my shoulder before walking away.

I sipped my drink, looking at Sienna, lost in my thoughts.

"Babe." Samantha said flirtatiously, interrupting my thoughts as she approached me. She gave me a bright smile and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "My parents aren't home tonight." She bit her lower lip seductively as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I grabbed her arms and pulled them back. I frowned in annoyance. "Samantha, I told you it was a one-time thing." I reminded nonchalantly.

"Why Romeo? I missed you. Wasn't it one of our best nights. So let's repeat it. I want you." She declared, traveling her hand up and down my chest as she stood closer to me and placed a kiss on my neck.

I frowned, annoyed. "Samantha, please, leave me alone. I am not in the mood." I stated angrily as I grabbed her wrist and pulled it back. She gritted her teeth and walked away angrily.

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