Chapter 17

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Romeo's POV

"I will call you later. Bye." He said, sighing.

Without managing my anger, I stood up abruptly and rushed towards his door. In a flash movement, I opened the door and dragged him by grabbing his collar.

"What the fuck..."

"I will kill you." I cut him off and headbutted him across his face. "I will not let you hurt Sienna. I know your plan with that bastard, Robin." I added furiously and slammed my fist into his stomach.

He gave me a sarcastic smirk while his nose and lips were bleeding.

"Do it. You know Sienna will not believe you." He said mockingly.

Without managing to hold myself, I hit him again and again.

"Romeo! Calm down, dude!" Nathan shouted, grabbing my shoulder, and tried to pull my back.

"Nathan, don't intervene!" I ordered angrily and headbutted Justin again.

When Nathan pulled me back away roughly, I lost my grip, and the bastard fell down. I pushed Nathan back violently and kicked Justin again and again.

"Stop, Romeo! You will kill him." Nathan stated in panic.

"This is the plan." I commented mockingly and kicked the prick lying on the ground again.

"What is going on?" Lucca asked in shock as soon as he approached us.

"Help me to separate them, Lucca." Nathan said in a bossy tone while I was hitting Justin.

"Let go of me!" I demanded in frustration as Nathan pulled me back while Lucca stood between the prick and me, placing his hand on my chest, trying to hold me back.

"Calm down, Romeo!" Nathan exclaimed authoritatively.

"You will pay for it. And you know how." Justin threatened me, still lying on the floor, holding his stomach, and gave me a mocking smirk.

"You bastard!" I snapped furiously, trying to approach him, but Nathan and Lucca didn't let me.

"Bro, come on." Lucca said, and they dragged me away from the bastard.

"Let go of me!" I snarled angrily and pulled my arms away.

"What is going on, Romeo? What did he do?" Nathan asked firmly, placing his hands on his hips.

"Nothing!" I snapped, running my hand through my hair in frustration and kicked the tree angrily. I was still boiling with anger.

"Because of it, you were almost about to kill him." Nathan mocked and gave me an unconvinced look.

"And if you didn't intervene, that bastard would get what he deserved." I snapped.

He frowned, shaking his head.

"Guys, calm down." Lucca intervened.

I breathed deeply, closing my eyes. "Just leave me alone!" I demanded and walked away, pumping into Nathan's shoulder angrily.


I was lying on the sun lounger, staring at the sky, lost in my thoughts. My parents and Charlotte weren't home; they went to the restaurant to have dinner. I wasn't in the mood; so I lied to them saying I had to study. Of course, they were almost in shock after hearing it, but fortunately, my parents didn't insist.

As much as I tried to find a way to show Sienna that prick's true colors, nothing came to my mind other than beating the shit out of him till he admitted. I frowned in annoyance and shook my head, closing my eyes.

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