Chapter 31

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Romeo's POV

My family and I were at Sienna's. Her father invited us for dinner to celebrate the new project with our company.

There was no news from Samantha yet, excluding her calls while I declined them every time. However, I was on a knife-edge. Samantha could show up any time and ruin everything. Every time the door buzzed or my parents' phones rang, my heart started pounding like crazy in panic.

As much as I thought how I could prove that she lied, I hadn't found anything. Fortunately, Sienna was understanding and tried to support me as much as possible. At least, she believed me. However, I didn't think it would be the same with my father nor Aspen. It gave me nightmares.

My parents noticed that there was something wrong with me, but I told them that I felt tired because of the practice before the upcoming match. However, they kept asking if I was under the weather. My mother hadn't stopped forcing me to eat fruits or drink juices to get better. Even Aspen noticed I didn't feel good, because he hadn't insulted me since I arrived.

Suddenly, Sienna held my hand under the table, giving me a sympathetic look, and squeezed it slightly, interrupting my thoughts. I gave her a lazy smile and sighed.

After dinner, our parents were chatting while drinking coffee, sitting around the table. Meanwhile, Liam, Charlotte and Sienna were talking, sitting on the couches while Troy went upstairs to talk on the phone with his girlfriend. I was listening to them absently. I wasn't in the mood to chat.

Suddenly, Troy stormed in, looking furious. He clenched his fist, gritting his teeth, and glared at me angrily.

"You bastard!" He snapped, shooting daggers at me.

"Troy Anderson! Watch your language!" His mother intervened as all of us stood up. "What is going on?"

He looked at me, frustrated and replied mockingly. "My best friend is going to be a father."

I gulped in fear as I was sure that my face turned white as a shit.

Everyone gasped in shock, excluding Sienna. She gave me a nervous look. I pursed my lips together, running my trembling hand through my hair.

Troy approached me in quick steps and threw a stick at me.

"How dare you knock up my sister!" He snarled, full of anger in his voice.

My eyes widened in shock. "What?" I mumbled, confused and looked at Sienna.

"I will kill you!" Troy threatened me, and in a flash, he punched me in the face.

"Troy!" His mother, Serena exclaimed in panic and rushed towards us. She stood between us, keeping Troy away from me while I was wiping the blood off my lips. Then I picked up the stick and looked at it. There were two lines on it. My mind went blank as soon as I saw the lines.

My mother gasped, covering her mouth with her hand as she saw the lines on the stick. My father breathed deeply without saying anything while standing beside my mother and me.

"Troy, stop! If there is someone who is going to kill him, it will be me." Aspen intervened, giving me an intimidating glare.

"Guys, calm down!" Serena exclaimed in a bossy tone, putting her hands on her hips.

"I told you to stay away from her, but instead of staying away, you got her pregnant." Troy stated angrily.

I ignored the others and turned my gaze to Sienna who was standing frozen. "Is it true? Are you pregnant?" I mumbled nervously.

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