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Hey! So, if you've been following recently you have probably heard all this before. Ultimately, I'm not as embarrassed by this fic as I am by the others. So there's more potential for this one being fixed well. Basically one of my besties decided to ask me about my Wattpad account and I'm terrified that he's actually going to find it. My original plan of action was delete everything, ditch it all and just pretend like it never happened. But I'm kinda sentimental about what I've already written (Even though it's absolute crap. But tbf I was 12 at the time, so don't be too mean 😂). So my two options were a) get rid of all of it, run and never look back or b) fix it and hope for the best. And like an idiot, I went for b. Fingers crossed I can reduce my embarrassment at least a little bit. I hope to speak to y'all again soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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