Chapter 18 Pt2 ~ Reyna

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Chapter 19


I saw Annabeth lunge and that was my que. I Stomped on Octavians foot, elbowed him in the stomach, all in  a matter of three seconds. I ducked as Annabeth tackled Octavian. He yelped as she tackled him to the ground. I bounced back up and helped Annabeth. I saw him knee Annabeth then tried to punch her. She caught his wrist, twist it in a uncomfortable angle nd then delivered  rib cracking kick. Octavian screached and looked back at her, loathing in his eyes.

She jumped back and joined me. We shouted at every one to back off. They did and watched as all three of us engaged in our own fight. Annabeth didn't have her dagger but she look like she didn't care she just wanted revenge. We slowly cirlced Octavian, waiting for him to attack. He lunged for Annabeth first as she was defenceless. She dogged it, brought her foot up then kicked him in the soft spot. I heard every boy go "OOO!" then they all laughed. I couldn't help but smile. I ran forward and smacked him with the butt of my sword. We all watched as he fell to the floor, blood oozing out of his head.

Me and Annabeth looked at eachother and smiled. Finally the nut job is out! I glared at him with distaste. I can't believe i trusted him! No shock there that he tried to sell us all out.

"Hey, you ok?" Annabeth asked, real concern was in her eyes.

"Yeah...... I guess...... I don't know why i'm so suprised! If anyone would do this its Octavian." She nodded in agreement. I saw she was about to say something else when Percy ran to her. I watched s he picked her up and spun her around.

"You do anything like that again i'll personally kill you my self! For a wise girl that wasn't a wise move!" I heard them laugh. I turned to give them privacy when some one tackled me with a hug.

"Jason?" He pulled away his face red.

"Sorry, your one of my best friends, i didn't want to see you get hurt." He rubbed the back of his head embarrassed, I returned the hug. We were like that until we heard a scream. We spun round and found Percy lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood and Annabeth crying. I adverted my eyes and saw Octavian running.

"AFTER HIM!" I heard Chiron yell and almost every one run after him. A few of Percy's closets friends stayed behind to comfort Annabeth.

"What happened?" I looked at Nico and he had tears down his face, Percy has been like a brother to him. I saw Katie crying, being comforted by Travis. Clarrise was in shock. I saw the new girl Lacey and Will run to Percy's aid.

"Come on Percy...." I heard Will mutter. "Stay with us man!" I heard Percy mutter something. "Annabeth... he wants you..... Just carry on talking to him." She nodded and knelt next to him.

"Hey Seaweed Brain....." She choked up. "Don't leave me Percy!" He brought a hand up and carressed her cheek, he wiped afew tears away. I walked over and put a comforting arm around her.

"Hey Perce...." I smiled. He gave a very weak smile. I'm suprised he could he looks like crap. His lips were chapped, skin pale, his eyes were ll glazed over and a massive cut went from under his right armpit to the end of his ribs on the left side of his body. "hang in there man..... your needed here big time."

"Yeah prissy! You die on us i'll come to the underworld just to beat you!" Clarrise's voice was weak but still had that assertive in it.

"Your the only proper family i have left, well you hazel, Jason, Thalia and Reece as well. but your my brother man i need you!" Nico said holding back tears. He looked ten not thirteen.

"Remember what you said..... as long as we still love each other we're not giving up! And i'm not giving up Percy. i almost lost you once! I'm not gonna loose you again."

"We're gonna have to move him." Will said. PErcy instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Look after her Reyna" He whispered.

"I will Percy...... Just hang in there man your gonna be ok." They carried him away. Annabeth struggled under my hold.

"Reyna Please! He needs me!" She pleaded with me, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Your no use to him like this Annabeth.... Your staying in my tent tonight." With that i led her in the direction of my tent.


I settled her in there and left the tent. Everyone else was out side waiting. Katie was hugging Nico, both of them crying. Frank and held Hazel as she sobbed into his chest. Piper was just biting back tears. Thalia and Clarrise where pacing, both of them wanting to go after Octavian.

"Guys we're gonna need to set up a watch. If we don't Annabeth could go walk-abouts, and i promised Percy i would look after her and thats what i'm gonna do but i need your help." I looked round "Katie, you and Nico go and rest your in no state. You two as well." I poinnted to Jason and Piper. "Frank take hazel as well," He nodded and led her away.

"Lets get a move on, Annabeth needs us."






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