Chapter 28 ~ Annabeth

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Chapter 28


I stood on the edge of the new river Percy made six weeks ago. I must say, its beautiful. Campers have started calling it Wise River, shortening the nickname Percy gave me. It made me smile, but then it added to the ammount of pain i was carrying.

Since i got out of hospital i haven't talked to anyone. It might be a yes and no here and there other than that i've been dead to the world. I no longer slept in my tent instead i slept in Percy's. I'm not ready to let him go. Not yet.

I heard rustling and turned. I saw Nico looking at me, his eyes puffy and red. He looked down and shuffled his feet, not knowing what to say. My gaze softened and i walked up to him. Wih out wasting time i pulled him into a hug.

"I know.... its hard....." I whispered.

"How come your not crying then?" Nico asked. That was a good point.

"I have no more tears left...... Its hard, yes, but i can't keep on crying...... i'll always remember him." I smiled and he returned it.

"Right!" I straightened my back and looked at Nico. "As your here you can keep watch while i go diving!"

"What are you looking for?" He asked as i took off my top, i was wearing a two peice swin suit which was grey like my eyes.

"I don't know...." I said walking knee deep in water. "I'll know once i'm down there." I waved good bye and dived under.

I waited for the bubbles to submerge and continued swimming. I don't know why but my gut instincts told me to go to the bottom of the bank. My feet brushed the bottom. It was very merky. After a few minutes the silt settled and i looked at the bank around me.

I was about to swim on when i saw a dim glow. Frowning i swam towards it. i ran my fingers along it, when it came to the end i grasped it and started to pull. It wouldn't budge. I tried again but still no luck. By this point my lungs where burning. Unable to take anymore, i kicked upwards and headed to the surface. My head broke the from the wate and i gasped for air. I looked over at Nico and saw Grover, Mick, the Stolls, Katie, Brianna and her Jason standing there.

"Find anything?" Mick asked. He had my towel slung over his shoulder. I dipped my head under then back up, ridding the hair that stuck to my face.

"Yeah actually i did......" I trailed off then looked at the Stolls. "Do you two think you can help me please?"

"Sure!" They stripped to their boxers and dived in. I swam back to the bottom, them close behind. I pointed to the mysterious subjected and they frowned as well. Trying what i done less than five minutes ago, they tried to pull it free. They had no luck either. I pointed to the surface and they nodded.

"Well thats weird!" Connor exclaimed.

"That thing is like exaclaber! Although thats a myth." Travis shrugged.

"We're," I pointed at the three of us. "Meant to be a myth but we're here." They nodded in agreement.

"So what you find?" I turned to Brianna.

"We don't know.... its stuck and we can't get it free....." I said. This is going to bug me. Connor and Travis got out and started drying off.

"Come on.... Lets get something to eat then come back later?" Grover suggested. I shook my head.

"You guys can.... but what ever it is thats down there is important, and i'm going to get it!" With out saying more i submerged myself back into the water.

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