Dead Man Walking

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Oli's voice was quiet, shaky and laced with exhaustion. The group seemed surprised at his response. But as Matthew looked up, he noticed Oliver didn't look too great. Neither was Nic for that matter. The red haired man was scratching frantically at himself, still trying to rid himself of the collar secured tightly around his neck. It was painful to watch.

One could only imagine how Oli felt seeing it.

Tom's features morphed into something vaguely resembling a terrifying smile. It was disturbing watching his body twist and morph in ways that were quite obviously not normal for the human body to endure. The side effects of whatever Elle had forced the man to inject into himself were beginning to show with more frequency. He released Nic, tossing the remote somewhere far off behind Miles.

Oli didn't move for it, just carefully watched as Tom smiled at him and morphed backwards. His eyes did slightly widen though as Tom quite literally disappeared into the wall behind them, seemingly vanishing from thin air. Oli narrowed his eyes and looked around before motioning at Miles who ran for the remote behind him.

Picking up the remote, Miles immediately clicked it and sighed in relief when he saw Nic's collar pop open and fall to the ground. His attention then turned to Alex, who was still moaning on the ground in pain. He shot a pointed look to Matthew but Oli interrupted his useless attempt at a silent glare battle. He waved his arm tiredly and the wall of rock between them lowered back into the ground.

By now, he had his brother propped up on his shoulder. For once, Nic was quiet and it was quite the unsettling thing as they walked back to their van in unnerving silence. They had accomplished nothing of what they'd hoped to. In fact, they'd come back with more problems than they'd had in the first place.

Not to mention all the attention they'd dragged towards themselves. The government was, needless to say, thoroughly interested in their movements as of now. As they'd gotten back into their van, ignoring the looks from curious onlookers and people on their phones calling the police, Matthew made a comment that made everyone's blood run cold.

"Look at them, like flies to shit. Coming to watch the entertainment but never offering a helping hand."

Matthew had paused, looking around at the humans staring at them. There was a news crew as well, the flashing cameras irritating him.

"Don't you think it'd be easier if they were all dead?"

Miles breath caught at that and he pulled Alex closer to him, holding him a bit tighter than he perhaps should have.

"You don't mean that... Dominic is human too. You don't hate him."

Alex quietly responded, avoiding looking at the man. Matthew narrowed his eyes at the mob of bodies around them, whispering amongst themselves in shock.

"Dominic is different. Chris is another matter entirely. They're not comparable."

He continued, getting into the van before they sped off from all the commotion.

"You can't just-"

Oli shook his head at Miles from the driver's seat, signaling the man to end the conversation.

It's not worth it.

Miles could see in his expression. Tensions were high. They were all saying things they'd regret later. At least... that's what Oliver hoped in Matthew's case. Otherwise there would be some serious problems down the line.

"What're we going to do about Dom?"

Mathew spoke up, his fingers clenching into fists as he thought about wringing Elle's neck. There was a long silence, Alex looked out the window and let his head exhaustedly fall onto Miles' shoulder. He was too tired to add to the conversation and Miles didn't seem too bothered by his close presence. In fact, he seemed to take comfort in it.


Oli finally responded. Matthew blinked in shock, hoping he'd misheard the tattooed man.

"Have you lost your god damn mind?!"

He exclaimed angrily. Oli just eyed him in the rear view mirror, eyes struggling not to close as he fought the exhaustion from the earlier fight.

"Take a look at our little ramshackle group, bruv. You'd have to be proper fucked in the head if you thought we were actually prepared enough to go out there and look for Dominic."

Matthew shook his head and crossed his arms angrily.

"And what? You just bloody expect me to leave him to Elle's mercy?"

Oli took a turn harder than he should have and Alex gripped onto Miles for balance while Nic barely moved a muscle from where he was sat in the passenger seat, his vacant eyes staring somewhere far off above the road.

"Nic is out of commission for the time being. Alex is now going to have to re recover from all those wounds after your little outburst. I'm in desperate need of a recharge, Miles is busy with Alex and you're one step away from losing your shit and becoming a psychopath. Not to mention we've got that bloody Doctor running around now with unchecked powers. Need I go on?"

A shiver ran down Oliver's spine as he could've sworn Matthew's eyes flashed red in the mirror for a moment. But then Matt looked away from the mirror and leant his head against the window.

"Just get us home quickly. Chris and I have some talking to do."

Oli didn't like the notion of getting ordered around but the look on Matthew's face made him bite his tongue. Not to mention the fact he wasn't in the mood nor in the shape for another fight.

                                      * * * *

As Matthew got out from the car, he noticed how empty he felt. How grey the world looked, the empty feeling he'd get when his hand kept searching for Dominic's yet could never find it. He left the others behind, not even bothering to help as he was much too absorbed in his own thoughts.

Shouldn't you be seeking revenge?

There was that nagging voice in the back of his head again.

Don't you love him?

Matthew narrowed his eyes at that, snapping back at the voice in his mind.

"Of course I fucking love him!"

Matthew blinked as he realized he'd just yelled out loud in the middle of his apartment lobby. He hastily covered his face and moved towards the lift. The voice laughed.

They think you're crazy.

It hissed.

Maybe they're right.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Matthew demanded at it. The lift dinged, signaling he was at his floor. The doors slid open to reveal a very worried looking Chris, holding his cell phone.

Must've taken it back then...

Matthew absentmindedly thought to himself. He almost didn't avoid Chris's eyes but stopped his own wandering ones at the last moment.

"Matthew. What did you do? Please just tell me the truth."

Matthew furrowed his brow, obviously confused. The voice in his head laughed again and he hissed at it to be quiet.

"Matthew you're all over the news."

Matt raised an eyebrow but shrugged, stepping out of the lift and letting it slide closed behind him.


Chris shook his head and grit his teeth.

"No, Matty I don't think you're understanding me right now. They're saying..."

"They're saying you killed Dominic."

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