This Is A Goddamn Revolution

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"First off before we start anything, let's just get this out of the way. There are a significant number of us out there. Gifteds, if you will. But due to... certain experiments...."

Oil's brother side eyed him nervously, looking a little uncomfortable about the topic but forcing a smile anyways.

"They've gone into hiding. Not to mention the murders that have been popping up ever since you went on tv and essentially outed us to the whole damn world."

Matthew's face paled at the mention of murder.


He stuttered out. Harrison sighed and fiddled with his skirt nervously.

"Yeah.. There's been quite a few of those lately. Your friend here is no exception."

He pointed out Alex, who was still silent on the couch, avoiding eye contact with everyone. He kept looking at the tv, where it had been paused on the images of his slaughtered friends. Oli noticed his silence and moved to stand next to him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder in an effort to comfort the lad. Alex abruptly got up and shrugged off his hand with overwhelming anger and frustration.

He headed towards the front door, grabbing his denim jacket before slamming the door behind him. Everyone in the room cringed at the sound. Matt sighed and put his head in his hands, faded black marker on his veins standing out against his pale skin in the light. Dominic looked up at the pair still standing beside the couch and shook his head.

"I still really don't think this is a good time. You should really just-"

"There's not going to be a good time for this shite."

Matthew interrupted his boyfriend in a deflated tone.

"Might as well fuckin do it now, Dom. Besides, he'll be back in a bit anyhow. Not like he has anywhere else to go."

He mumbled into his arms, hands clenching his long electric blue hair. The group was silent for a moment but then Harrison decided to speak up again.

"Well let's start this out on a lighter note. I noticed we have the same name, which by the way is fucking sick bruv!"

Dominic resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the man's overwhelming amount of energy as he saw the huge smile plastered to his face. He seemed to be excited by the littlest things, like a kid seeing something for the first time.

"However that's probably gonna cause a proper amount of confusion, yeah? So I thought we should change things up a bit. You can call me Nic."

Nic smiled at him, looking like he was about to implode while Oli stood next to him, carefully analyzing his surroundings. Oli furrowed his brow a bit, taking in the nice nature of the apartment and furniture.

"Where do you work, Matthew?"

He asked, which automatically made said man tense up. Dom held Matt's hand tightly in his own, a sign of reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere.

"We don't need to talk about that."

Oliver's dark brown eyes seemed to flash with interest at this reaction. It seemed like he wanted to push the topic further but Dominic's hard glare made him think otherwise. After a moment of silence Matt spoke up again, his voice sterner than before.

"I invited you in here because you said you were gifteds in need of my help. So demonstrate your powers then."

Nic fumbled with the sleeves of his oversized sweater nervously, suddenly strangely quiet.

"You don't want that bruv."

Oli spoke up, sliding a hand into his pocket.

"And why is that? What, a demonstration is too much for you? Or were you just lying your arse off this whole time to try and help some kind of sick scheme you're planning?"

Nic chuckled at that, shaking his head.

"Uh it's not exactly that, mate... It's more so... if he did do a demonstration? He'd decimate the entire block."

Dominic's eyebrows shot up at that.

"What?! Bloody hell, are you serious?!"

He exclaimed in utter shock. Matt's eyes were still plastered to Oli's chest but despite his awkward eye positioning, he still looked interested in this revelation.

"Right! I should probably point out that Oli here isn't a natural born like I am! Though that doesn't affect his power. In fact, it really only made it-"


Oli warned, his hand clenching and unclenching into a fist by his side. His brother nodded and sheepishly smiled, scratching the side of his head in obvious embarrassment.

"Yeah, me and my big mouth. Sorry about that bruv."

Nic said apologetically, wrapping an arm around his brother's shoulders. Oli still looked a bit ticked off but his frown slowly turned into a smile the longer his brother played about with him, his lips upturning ever so slightly. Dominic could tell that Oli was a softie beneath that hard exterior and that he most likely let his brother get away with a lot.

"So if not a demonstration of your powers, then what about your plans? Like you said... You needed my help for something."

Matthew asked again. Oli stepped forward and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. He set it on the large table in front of the couch, smoothing it out to where the others could see that it was a large map of the surrounding area. He pointed to a large area circled with red pen, his finger tapping against it meaningfully.

"You see this?"

He asked before pausing as he pulled out a knife and slammed it into the center of the circled area. Both Matthew and Dom jumped, though Nic didn't seem too phased by his brother's antics.

"This is Tom bloody Kirk's laboratory. And Nic here and I? We're going to destroy it."

Oli stepped back with a sigh, leaving the knife in its place on the map.

"However, in order to do that we need people. And in order to get people, we need a cause. And see that's where you come in Matthew Bellamy."

Matthew continued to look at the map curiously, noting that there were other small marked areas of importance with little notes beneath them. He noticed there were even marks where the boys had found dead gifted bodies, which sent a chill down his spine. Dominic traced the map with a splayed out hand, eyes scanning it before looking back up at Oli and Nic.

"And what exactly are you planning for him to do, then?"

Nic smiled widely at that, growing giddy again.

"Well it's simple isn't it? We're starting a goddamn revolution."

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