Dominic James Howard

57 4 1

"You think...."

Matthew started to laugh and Chris looked extremely unsettled.

"I killed him?"

Despite the threat of visions, he looked Chris straight in the eyes. Chris, however, immediately looked away before the other man could even catch a glimpse.

"Matthew, stop it. I'm being serious."

Matthew continued to laugh, his eyes flashing a bright blue.

"Oh, I know. So am I!"

He managed to say, still laughing. And then with a sudden lurch, a crack went through the hallway ceiling and he abruptly stopped laughing. Chris jumped, going so far as to back away a little from his friend.

"I love him."

His eyes were narrowed, fists clenched in rage.

"So, no... I didn't bloody well kill him. Elle has him. She... took him from me."

Bellamy hissed and Chris sighed out in what seemed like relief.

"Jesus Christ, Bells. You're losing it. You have got to be more-"

The lift signal dinged behind them and both men turned around, Chris' eyes going wide as he saw their ragtag team in shambles. Alex leant up against Miles, groaning in pain and hanging off his shoulder.  Nic was staring off into space vacantly, Oli whispering something in his ear to try and get him to keep walking.

Oli glared at Matthew who soon put some sunglasses on to avoid all their eyes.

"Couldn't have helped, Bruv?"

Matthew took one look at the group before turning away towards the apartment.

"I have other things to focus on."

He mumbled to himself, that voice in his head joyfully whispering about stringing Elle up like a puppet and carving her heart out.

"Fucking prick."

Oli muttered. Chris turned towards him, an apologetic look written all over his features.

"I'm sorry... I- I really don't know what happened. He's not like this usually but I think it has to do with whatever happened to Dominic."

"Your psycho ex best friend kidnapped him and your other psycho best friend over there went berserk."

Miles spoke up this time after Oli had finished.

"Look what he did to Alex."

Alex made an effort to lift his head and Chris gasped as he saw all the wounds they'd patched up had been reopened and he was bleeding. Not as bad as before but definitely enough to be a concern.

"Get inside. You all need to see what's on the news. I'll grab the first aid kit."

When they were all inside and sat down, Chris brought out the first aid kit and started work on the group.

"What, ehm... what happened out there? Was... was Tom there?"

Oli just stared at him as he pulled out a medical kit of his own. Three bright blue syringes sparkled in the light as he prepped them, pulling out a few alcohol pads as well.

"Who do you think made him that way?"

Oli finally responded, jutting his head towards where Nic was sitting.

"He's the one who burned numbers into our skin and called us subject one and subject two. He's the entire reason I have this!"

Oli shoved his hair back and pointed out the feather tattoo on his face. Looking at it closely, Chris could just make out numbers burned into his skin. It horrified him. Oliver turned away and grabbed one of the blue syringes out of the medical kit, turning his brother to face him.

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