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Rules are so B.O.R.I.N.G but we need this to ensure that our awards runs smoothly

These are the rules for The First Part Of TA²

☘ Follow the _Aesthetic_club_ permanently. Permanently means to keep following this community even after this contest gets over.Orelse this will lead to ban you from our community and you will get no awards

☘ Give a shout out to this book to help to reach to more people

☘ Add this book in your reading list so that,you can get further notifications from our story.Password is your fav food.

Please be polite,kind to other contestants and to our judges.There can be some delay,so try to understand

Follow to judge when announced

Donot bribe your judges orelse this will result to banning you

☘ For FF,the book should have min 5 chapters

For Ts ,it should have min 2 chapters

For Os min 1000 words is needed

One writer can enter max 2 books which should be of different genre

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