Chapter 2: Hello

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The next morning you woke up with a massive headache and should have listened to your mom who said always drink eight ounces of water after every drink to prevent a hangover. Still, It was Saturday, and you were finally able to relax, well relax as much as a college doctor student could. You got up and hopped in the shovel you should've washed your makeup off the night before but conserving you almost got assaulted in an alleyway you allowed yourself to just head to bed. Still now what would you do, should you bring this up with the administrator, or your friends, maybe tell Fumi.

You got dressed for the day before heading out to grab something to eat, only to run into Fumiko who looked a bit dazed.

"Hey Fumiko, I'm glad I ran into you, it's about last night," you said

"OH that's funny, I was about to say the same thing." She said looking shocked " Akio hasn't come back according to his friends, they think he might have tried to help you home, did you see him after you left."
"Funny I was about to bring him up to, he came after me after I left and wouldn't leave me alone, we got into a scuffle in the alleyway on my way back, but he ran away when someone threw a can at his head," you said

"He did what?" Fumiko said, "That doesn't sound like him at all."

"Well it's the truth, so if he shows his head near me again, tell him I'm going to do a lot worse than swipe him with my quirk okay," you said

"You...hurt him?" She asked

"He grabbed my wrist, what else was I supposed to do." you said crossing your arms ''I'm leaving, I'll see you in class Monday.''

"(name) that's not what I meant," Fumiko said then sighed that if it came out wrong, she would have to confront his friends about this, right now in fact.

"What are you sure that was Akio?" His other guy friend who was with them last night said

"Genji I'm worried, (Name) said she cut him with her quirk, and he ran off." She said

"Well if that is true he had it coming, still Akio is a big pushover." He said, "Look he is probably hiding in his room, the others are just worried for nothing."

"I see you are useful as ever," Fumiko said walking off and banging on Akio door, nothing she knocked again

"Akio, (name) told me what you did, come out." She said stomping her foot, nothing, he must be gone.

The rest of the day passed when she finally got a call from Genji that was weird he almost never called.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Well I Ummm, the good news is we found Akio." He said

"Oh good, where is he?"

"In the hospital, you know that one Villian that has been hanging around here lately, well they found one of his red feathers at the crime scene, he was pretty beat up."
"Akio got attacked by the Nighthawk!?" Fumiko said

"That's what it says." Genji said, "Doctor said he should be fine in a few days and the police are telling him how lucky he was to get away with those injuries."

"Genji, I think we need to talk face to face about something." She said, "where are you, I'm coming over."


YOu were fiddling with a pencil watching a lecture on your own free time, not like you had anything better to do, maybe planning out your revenge for Akio, once you learned where he was, he was going to go through hell when you got your hands on him. You were deep in thought when you heard a knock on your door, now who could that be. You got up and walked over to see Fumiko and the other guy who was with you, both looked concerned and upset at the same time.

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