Chapter 9: Test

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The news story about U.A having a false alarm quickly died down as you were changing your bandaids, this isn't how you thought life on the run would be, why was it so boring, still not like you could do much while you were healing, Hawks was out doing who knows what, and you looked down at your thumb, still black and blue. You had rummaged through all his stuff the only thing you found weird was an endeavor plush that was stuffed in his pillowcase.

Finally, Hawks came back, he opened the window and stepped in

"Heyo i'm back," he said

"I can see that," you said

"Hey what's with the snappy remark?" HAwks asked

"I am bored, what else is there to say, you left me in here with nothing to do, meanwhile you can fly around all you want," you said crossing your arms and glaring him down

"Sorry sorry, here I got you a gift." Hawks said handing you a box, you shrugged and opened it up to see a glove, well it sorta looked like a glove, there was a place for it to wrap around your wrist, and your left thumb, you decided to try it on.

"Okay now flex your fingers like you usually do." Hawks said and you did, and your long-lost thumb talon came out with your other fingers.

"Oh wow." you said looking at it "Is this my talon?"

"Yup, I found it and got a broker to make it, I also got you a few other things if you are going to go out with me." HE said handing you night visors, a thick jacket, and nonslip boots, and a belt for some weird reason.

"I can understand everything else but why a belt?" You asked

"OH easy, there are two ports where I can put my feathers in, so I'm not yanking you out with your shirt, also here is a book." HAwks said handing you a medical book

"Oh thanks, but I already read this," you said

"Drat." HAwks said, so anyway get dressed in your new rags, we are heading out, you said you were bored right."

"Finally." you thought

"The break out of a college student from the Hero public safety commission with the help of the high-rank VIllain nighthawk has no new updates, if you have any information please contact the HPSC we asked a couple of her classmates and this is what they had to say."

"I mean she was always very quiet and attentive with her work, never would have thought she would do something like this."

"I didn't really notice her that much, she never really talked to the other class members."
"I just invited her out to drink one night and next thing I know she is being arrested."

Your dad turned off the tv and sighed to himself, he never would've thought that any of this would happen, it really did come out of nowhere. Still, he knew you and he knew the HPSC, truth be told he always thought you would make a good hero but after the loss of his wife and your mom he never wanted that life for you, so he was more than relieved when you never showed any interest in becoming one yourself. Still, the fact that now this was where you were in your life just made him even more on edge, he just hoped you were safe where you were.

And right now you were on top of a building looking down at the people walking around, some were drunk and happy, where others were drunk and toppling over and vomiting on the side of the alley wall. Some high school girls were out late and came out of an arcade holding a new stuft animal and looked happy, while some guy who was holding a bunch of gacha capsules looked pissed off.

Oh, the duality of humans.

"So how are you enjoying the nightlife?" hawks asked, as you pressed your hand against your chin and kept looking down

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