Chapter 5: Interrogation

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Fumiko was at a loss right now, first, he gets attacked by a villain then he gets killed by the villain the second he gets out of the hospital, things just weren't adding up, did the villain mean to kill him the first time, not according to the records of his patterns, Just the thought of Akio last moments begging for his life made her want to throw up, Genji came up and sat next to her

"Hey, Fumiko." He said, "Lot on your mind huh."

"Yes, I just don't understand why he is dead." She said, and Genji rubbed the back of his neck

"Well, I came by this morning to see him, we all got some drinks and left with another group so I came to see if he had a hangover, but when I came in, he was slumped against the wall, with a large gasp in his throat," he said

"Why would you tell me that?" She yelled at him

"Well think about it okay, who do we know that hated Akio and has a quirk that can slash someone's throat." He said

"They say it was the Nighthawk who came back to finish the job." she said "But that doesn't make sense either."

"I'm going to tell the police about (name)." Genji said, "I think she might have something to do with this."

You were longing on your bed re-reading a textbook passage when there was a knock on the door, oh what now. You got up and opened the door only to see the police

"Hello," you said

"Hi (name), right?" He asked

"Yes," you said crossing your arms

"Well we have a tip that you and the victim were not on good terms and you may have a motive to kill him, so we are going to have to have you come down to the station for questioning." He said,

"Okay," you said as the two officers lead you away from your dorm, and down the steps, people look over and whispering as you got into the back of the car, and headed down for questioning. They sat you down at a table and got started interrogating you.

"So (name), how is school going for you, you are in school to become a surgeon." He asked

"Yes," you said

"So we got word that you and the victim aren't on good terms." He said

"That is true," you said

"Why would that be?"

"He tried to assault me in a back alley," you said

"Did you go to the police about this?" He asked

"NO because the next day he was in the hospital," you said

"Yes, we noticed that along with the cuts from the attacker there was another wound around his wrist, puncture wounds." He said

"Yes I tried to defend myself with my quirk, all under legal stature." you said "Are you saying I can't defend myself?"

"Not at all." He said, "But how did you escape?"

"Someone threw a can at his head and he ran away with his tail between his legs," you said

"Was the person who threw the can, the attacker?"

"How would I know that?" you said

"Well when we examined the puncture wounds on his wrist with the way his lock broke, they match up." He said

"Okay," you said

"That puts you at the scene of the crime with a motive," he said

"I was out for a walk and saw him bringing a drunk girl to his dorm, I broke in to help her." You said, "He got upset and strangled me."

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