W-where am I?

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The day I woke up here, in this fucking wasteland... I didn't know what the hell was going on. It was almost as if someone hit me on the head and stripped me from all my items, including my clothes (except my underwear).

It was at noon. I was laying down on the dry soil.


Me: Gah!

I quickly sit up not being able to see anything, hear, or feel anything. My senses slowly faded in. It was almost as if I were being reborn. The first thing I could hear was... Gunfire? Why would I hear gunfire?

Knight: What the hell kid!

She started shaking me.

Knight: Wake up! You were just laying in the middle of that super mutant ambush! You're welcome for saving you're dumbass!

Me: M-mutants?

Knight: Yes! Mutants! Explain to me why the hell a kid like you are laying in the middle of nowhere.

I started thinking to myself...

Hold on. Who am I? Where am I?

Me: I don't know.

Knight: You don't know?

Me: I said I have no clue what's going on. I don't even know who the hell I am.

She looked concerned.

Knight: My God. Amnesia possibly?

A super mutant came up from behind her.

Super mutant: Die puny human!

He was about to hit her with a board, but she quickly shot him with her laser pistol before she could do anything.

Knight: Damnit initiate! I told you to watch my back!

Initiate: Sorry ma'am! Won't happen again!

Knight: *sigh* Anyways I'm gonna check in with Joey.

A tall man in big armor and a minigun walked up to us.

Paladin Smith: Alright thats the last of those abominations..., you have everything sorted out with the kid?

He wore a suit of power armor.

He wore a suit of power armor

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Knight Cassandra: No sir. He seems to have amnesia or something.

Paladin Smith: I see, well we can't just leave him here like this. Let's take him back to the prydwin. Maybe Elder Maxson will know what to do with him.

He then threw some kind of flare grenade that emitted some kind of smoke. Not long after, an aircraft came by and landed in front of us.

Initiate: I love going on these things! So exciting!

Knight Cassandra: Ad victorium, Brothers.

They all got on while Cassandra helped me get on.

Knight Cassandra: Alright! Wear your seatbelt!

I tried but I had no clue on what the fuck I was doing.

Knight Cassandra: Here, let me help you with that.

We flew over the cities and land below.

Me: Now thats a lot of damage.

When we got to this giant airship, all I could do was sit there with amazement.

We got off of the aircraft and we were greeted by a man.

Paladin Smith: We're back, Captain Kells.

Captain Kells: Welcome back brothers and sisters. *solute* Who is this kid?

Knight Cassandra: This kid was in his underwear just laying there asleep. I think he has amnesia, sir.

Captain Kells: I see. Initiate! Take him to the quarters and clothe him.

Initiate: Yes sir! Come with me.

I followed him to his quarters.

Initiate Rose: Here you go, this is a spare initiate uniform. My name is Dean Rose, by the way. Just call me initiate Rose.

Me: Yes sir.

I put on the brotherhood uniform which fit nicely.

Initiate Rose: Alright, I'm just gonna take you to Elder Maxson

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Initiate Rose: Alright, I'm just gonna take you to Elder Maxson. Be very respectful. He's like our leader.

Me: Y-yes sir.

Amnesia In A Wasteland (Fallout 4 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now