Chapter 5

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Even before he's oriented enough to realize he's lying down, Ren senses the sterile environment. It's not the smell of disinfectant or the quiet cacophony of machinery that reach him, but the artificial minds of the med droids, which are more or less as efficiently barren as their workplace. There's no immediate need to wake. Kylo can feel the glare of florescent light through his eyelids, so he keeps them shut for a few minutes, maybe hours, as he drifts in and out of consciousness and pieces together his last memories with varying degrees of effort.

Pain. Weakness... Immaculately polished shoes tracing a whirling floor. Hux.

Kylo's eyes snap open, and, attempting to bring his hand to his face as a barricade against Med Bay's lighting, he is alarmed to find he can't lift it.

"Remain calm." A droid recites in a soothing female voice as it wheels over. "You are experiencing the effects of sedatives. Relax and maintain a comfortable position. You will regain full mobility shortly." Feeling too hazy to argue with a piece of medical equipment and admittedly better that he has in weeks, Kylo fights his rising frustration. He shuts his eyes against his abrasively reflective surroundings and tries vainly to find his way back to sleep. He's beginning to feel his body, though it still can't seem to remember how to move. Most of the aches have died down, but, even under the thin insulating Med Bay blanket, he still feels chilled. He refuses to allow himself to wish for his scarf, though truthfully he hasn't felt warm since he'd started sniffling over week ago. But only so many symptoms can go ignored; he feels the beginnings of a sneeze nipping at the base of his nose. Still unable to puppeteer his hands, he scrunches his eyes tighter together and gives a desperate sniff, only to shudder with a gasping "He'EXXhuhh!...ugh"

He lies uselessly still as a second Med Droid rushes over to sanitize between his liquid sniffles. This is all Hux's fault! He hates Hux, for daring to patronize him, for drugging him until he's an invalid, for keeping every single obnoxiously red hair perfectly coifed in place, for carrying him here slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, for....for- oh Force, he'd sneezed into Hux's coat. He remembers now, he had sprayed the General in the shoulder in a fevered attempt to nuzzle his into the warmth of his collar. Hux had muttered darkly about dry cleaning under his breath. Without even trying, he manages to bring his palms to his eyes to give them a mournful scrub. He looks down at them, and just like that, he's stumbling out of bed. Compliance thrown to the wind, he lumbers past the droid as it instructs him to "remain in a reclined position" and offers him a glass of water, only to discover he's locked in the quarantine wing.

"I order you to release me immediately!" He bites in a harsh whisper without evening turning to address the nurse bot.

"The General has temporarily overridden your command authority due to medical incapacitation."

"WHAT!?" Kylo's disused voice cracks as the glass smashes against the floor.

"The General has already been alerted that your readings met the requirements he dictated for you to be taken off long-term sedatives. He ordered your discharge and status be finalized only after he personally examines you."

So he's a prisoner on his own ship. "Connect me with him now!" he chokes out. He as much as he's trying to yell, he can really only let out a raw bark chased by a dry cough.

"The General has been alerted. He has ordered you rest here until his morning report tomorrow."

Kylo leans against the door and concentrates; Hux should still be within reach on board. He sways in place and lets the door take on almost all of his weight, shifting though passing minds at the droid rattles on about exertion. Kylo considers exerting himself just a bit more to blast it, but the search is almost too exhausting as it is. Still, he knows exactly what he's looking for. Hux's mind and energy are unlike any other. He's surprised to find it more relaxed than usual; this will be satisfying.

"LET ME OUT!!" He screams into Hux's mind.

Before he breaks the link he hears Hux mentally curse. He smiles.

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